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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Yes. I’ve donated multiple times to the Octoprint project because it’s free and an invaluable 3d printing tool. Speaking of this project, this dev is currently in dire need of donations. If you own a 3d printer and use this tool, consider donating. octoprint.org

    Recently donated to Electronic Frontier Foundation because online privacy is under attack worldwide and I use privacy badger. eff.org

    I’ve donated to signal a few times as well since it is my and my family’s primary messaging app. signal.org

    I also live by a code that I don’t pirate indie games unless it’s for my younger son, who has an attention span of a goldfish so I don’t waste money buying him something he’ll play for 5 minutes (but leaves it open well past the 2 hour return window on steam) then never plays again. Or if that indie dev went exclusive only on a specific platform.