FreeOTP+ is the choice not Free OTP…
FreeOTP+ is the choice not Free OTP…
Yeah it compromises the idea of a second factor. Bitwarden is the worst choice. It’s only one thing: comfortable
Signal does not use google if it is not available, so no. If you think about privacy, stop using apps like Telegram and please stop using google services
What? Please stop spreading misinformation.
/e/ includes microG per default and thus calls google servers. /e/ includes unique identifyer per update call tracking its users. Graphene uses several proxy servers to hide user information, /e/ does not in similar way. And so on…
They use Graphene. That’s the point. Pixels are unfortunately the only supported devices. That’s why I won’t use Graphene as I would never support google. A pity, many do
It is google Android but they do not pay for the name so they call it ‘FairphoneOS’. It comes with all the standard GApps.
The Smartphone is not completely degoogled. Please check before posting such statements. It can not be compared to Graphene. Graphene is far ahead.
See: https://divestos.org/misc/e.txt for a list of issues
/e/ is very slow in terms of security updates and they rely on some google services.
The only point you can make: If you want it easy and you don’t care about security and less google but not degoogled is okay for you, /e/ is your choice.
But please stay away from Fairphone. They have several hardware issues even in more than one generation (for example ghost inputs in 3 and 4) but they do not accept them and try to solve with software update which surprisingly did not work. And if you use /e/ you don’t geht support from FP side.
Fairphone is known to have several hardware related problems, but they usually ignore or do not acknowledge them. Recently they tried to argue a hardware problem (ghost inputs) can be solved via firmware update, but of course it couldn’t. Additionally you lose support for device when using custom roms (even /e/os). They only support google Android. You could buy from Murena but they can not help with hardware or firmware issues. Fairphone is very to patch their devices in terms of security.
But google is google. I would never give them money.
Allowing cookies enables sites to gather information about you. If you delete cookies, they still got this information. Especially as there are ad tracking providers tra tracking you by mail and so on
Mull is better in terms of privacy and security but breaks some Websites and addons