It’s usually used in explaining that a rich person can be sad, rather than to say all poor people are always happy.
It’s usually used in explaining that a rich person can be sad, rather than to say all poor people are always happy.
I thought the mother was suggesting he and the cat sleep outside for a second 😅
I picked up some firearms a few years back from a lady that wanted to get rid of her deceased husband’s collection fast and for cash. One of them was not only in horrible shape, unsafe to fire, but it was illegal. Broke it down, recycled what could be, sold the few parts that were usable, then trashed the rest.
How’d her husband die? Gunshot wound?.. 😅
Sounds like you got rid of the murder weapon for her 😅 (j/k)
He’s going to be so jealous of Trump
God knows why they felt the need to scan old catalogs
For the AI training data probably 😅
Also they started doing it way back in 2005, when they were just doing whatever thier engineers thought would be useful and ensure they kept market share of search. (before Prabhakar Raghavan took over)
Maybe it’s colloquially short for light-parsecs 😅 Like how people say “gigs” but might be meaning either gigabytes or gigabytes/second or a concert and you work out which from the context.
But you get more zeros with Ah 😂
Google made thier cached pages inaccessible though, better to check the way back machine.
Don’t catch you slippin’ now
Stop living in the past, it’s Saturday.
Not as snazzy looking though
I doubt the production version will look that snazzy, I bet it’ll end up being much taller and look more like this:
Its not just lacking empathy, its antipathy.
I thought it was a game when I first saw the trailer and was mildly disappointed to find out it’s a movie 😅, still looking forward to watching it some time though.
It’s a bit different when you have access to every newspaper in the world and a machine that hand picks all the stories from them that seem most likely to trigger an emotional response from you specifically 😅
Maybe also check your current countries extradition treaty 😅
Sounds like they might be very overworked and on a hair trigger as a result…
That’s not the source of the image, this post on reddit from cm0002s screenshot is older so it’s been circulating since before that, so probably not the person in the photo, but hard to tell with all the soap foam 😅
That’s not the source of the image, this post on reddit is older so it’s been circulating since before that, so probably not the person in the photo, but hard to tell with all the soap foam 😅
True, that is common too 😅