What do you mean? The UK is right there, land bridge to France and everything.
What do you mean? The UK is right there, land bridge to France and everything.
And Libreelec provides preconfigured images for the pi. You still need to jump through some hoops to get streaming services running (html5 encrypted media extensions and all that) but it streamlines the process of getting started with kodi a lot.
Another project to keep an eye on is plasma big screen. It’s not quite there yet, but it will eventually provide a more familiar smarttv experience. (Currently it’s missing a lot of apps, that kodi has)
No. On your screenshot you can see that the apps that you are trying to install are numbered. It’s hard to notice because you are only installing on app so the numbering stops at one, but if you tried to install multiple apps or the app depended on an other package from the AUR you would see more entries in this list and each entry would be numbered.
So specifying a range would mean package 1, 2 and 3. An option like that can come in handy when performing updates
lets start with why you are getting this output: If you see a screen like this your app is pulled from the AUR. The AUR works different from the other repos. While the normal repos download standardized arch packages in the form of tar-archives the AUR takes a more radical approach: get the app on your system by (almost) any means necessary. So the AUR doesn’t contain a package but a text file containing instructions. Where to download the necessary files, where to put them, that sort of stuff. In most cases the files is just the source code and your system will compile it according to the instructions in that text file. Compiling means it will turn the human readable programing in to computer readable stuff. In other words, it will create, or build, a standard arch package right then and there, on your system. That’s why the text file is referred to both as “Build Files” or as Pkgbuild.
If you look at your screenshot, you see, that it first downloads your PKGBUILD and then shows the file as present (it uses the plural, because in exceptions there are additional files such as systemd-files that are downloaded as well).
When installing apps from the AUR yay will cache stuff to speed up build times. Performing a clean build means not using this cache. In most cases just pressing enter will work just fine.
And now is the part were I must warn you: Be careful with the AUR:
In conclusion. If possible stick with the repos and flatpak. If an app is not available this way you can use the AUR. If you use the AUR you can keep just pressing Enter until the app in question is installed. Just don’t be surprised if the app breaks two months later because of something stupid the Manjaro devs did
Technically they don’t even have to give you the option to refuse cookies if they have a legitimate interest to collect them. The idea being that if a company’s business model depends on them collecting a certain data point then you shouldn’t be able to get the service for free.
All of this means, that if a site offers you to refuse cookies they have a legitimate interest on then it’s probably bullshit and they are just using the general confusion to get more data than nessesary.
The podcast QAnon Anonymous has an episode about the same topic, also quoting three people who worked on the show. It’s glorious, Irecommend it wholeheartedly.
That’s because those propaganda outlets are generally bankrolled by billionaires who profit through tax cuts enacted by politicians voted into power by people radicalized by the propaganda. Different business model
You can actually write posts from a Mastodon account that look well on Lemmy. All you have to do is follow a few basic rules.
If you follow these rules you can write posts from Mastodon
What do you mean, there are no clear guides for Linux? https://demo.papercut.com/content/help/clienttool/topics/user-client-install-linux.html
It’s even in the AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/papercut-client-bin
Inkscape is like Illustrator. Krita is a digital painting application, so Photoshop. It doesn’t replace Photoshop in every usecase. But in that regard it’s better than the tool from Adobe (or so I’ve been told)
The reason, you aren’t finding anything, is that nobody really attempts to install premiere or after effects anymore on Linux. The alternatives have cought up and they are available for Linux.
Back to your question: making things work with wine has a significant drawback. Your system can break with every update. So you’re not making it work just once but over and over again.
The other one did as well (https://zdf.social)
Depends on how you look at it.
I don’t think we know of a case where it convinced a studio executive, but then again we know very little about the reasons why some shows get renewed and some don’t.
We do know cases where ending on a cliffhanger helped drumm up enough fan engagement to reverse a cancellation (timeless on nbc is a recent(ish) example for that)
There is Doctor Who, and that’s it.
Actually, DW is a good example, because the continuity of that show is a mess, and very intentionally so. That show thrives in its inconsistencies. There are three different explanations for why the Doctor can change faces when he dies, for example. And each one contradicts the others. There is also no beta canon, every tie in is considered canon. So the doctor has officially met Batman, Gandalf and Picard. That’s canon.
In the end IP is a playground and continuity should enhance story. Nobody gains anything from lore for the sense of lore. What does the Klingons always looking a certain way say? Not all that much. It’s a nice to have, because it allows you to recognise them quickly and make connections. But if the look is constricting for the creative team, then they should be able to change it.
Open Media Vault. It’s Debian, but with a nice web UI on top to manage the system. It allows you to setup NAS-shares visually, so you don’t have to rely on your ancient and possibly a bit rusty terminal knowledge. It also gives you the option to easily install portainer, a way to manage docker containers, like a firewall
Firefox for android also is also the only big name browser on that platform supporting add-ons
Luckily they don’t have to switch. Your good friends from the European union have a solution for you (And the latest beta for whatsapp features the skeleton for their implementation of that standard)