No Plasma Mobile is not just a mobile mode for Plasma, but it’s own thing(even if it shares a lot of tech with Plasma). You therefore need to choose a distro that explicitly supports it.
Here is a list:
The closest you are going to get to Mint is Debian
For marketplace there is a project in development. It’s called Flohmarkt. Not quite ready yet for primetime but worth keeping an eye on
This article is still about the recent Welt op-ed. Just so nobody gets the impression, that Elon did something else yesterday.
Not that any of this excuses the opinions he shared with the world already.
tl,dr: it’s a Pixelfed instance by and for native people in Latin America
Looks to me like you are trying to update via fwupd. While this should work via GNOME Software, you can also use the the terminal to do this.
The command is fwupdmgr update
Mobian has an amd64 image available. If you are looking for a “tablet” tablet experience rather than just desktop gnome with an on screen keyboard then that is going to be your best bet.
In terms of DE I would stay with GTK enviroments because GNOME circle has created a pretty extensive environment of apps that feel native there. Both PHOSH and GNOME mobile offer basically the sane experience so you should try them both and see, which you like more in the details
Edit: here is the install guide:
If you’re on Android then you can use Termux (via F-droid) to get ssh capabilities. I think there is also a different iOS app, but I’m no expert on that OS, so I can’t tell you its name. If you have a smart phone then you might have a ssh capable system after all
It’s actually not. It’s open core (a.k.a. 80% open source with its AGPL licenced community edition and proprietary with the enterprise edition that adds a bunch of stuff on top)
I never had a problem with LibreOffice. But I also never encountered a situation at school where “advanced” MS office features where required. So, pure luck, I guess.
That being said, LO is not the only the only office suite for Linux. All of these have better MS Office support than LO:
published: 10.16.24
The article is almost a month old.
Wouldn’t be the first time a conductor was multi track drifting on Londons public transport system.