Looks like some conservative astroturf organization co-opted the name in 2022…
Always maddening to me how, on the very same ballot, people will vote in favor of a proposition or amendment and also vote for a candidate whose platform is, “I will repeal or overturn this amendment.”
Fucking hell.
I keep having dreams of things I need to do
And waking up but not following through
But it feels like I haven’t slept at all
When I wake to a silence and she’s facing the wall
Posters of Dylan and of Hemingway
An antique compass for a sailor’s escape
She says, “You just can’t live this way”
And I close my eyes and I never say
I’m still having dreams
Given St. Pauli’s reputation for left-wing activism, kinda surprised they were still on Twitter for this long.
Just got back from voting and I was looking for an opportunity to mention how attractive the lady that checked me in was.
Yes, you have correctly interpreted the answer.