No clue, I’m not sure SMT have said anything, tibbi has been pretty quiet. Regardless, I’d stay very far away and would be researching other custom Android versions or a new phone entirely if I had one.
No clue, I’m not sure SMT have said anything, tibbi has been pretty quiet. Regardless, I’d stay very far away and would be researching other custom Android versions or a new phone entirely if I had one.
No, but it’s coming. Near as I can tell Gallery is the only one with a new release already and I’m grabbing it using Obtainium.
Unity started with pretty awful performance (much like GNOME 3) and coincided with some infamous decisions on the part of Canonical, namely that whole business with the Amazon integration, so it’s permanently tainted in the minds of many. It also meant that the largest distro in town was suddenly using a desktop that was much less inviting to newcomers than the familiar GNOME 2.
I’m glad it’s being kept alive as it does have a unique vibe to it, but I always found the workflow a bit awkward and much prefer GNOME for something modern and xfce or MATE for when I want something traditional.
PIA is pretty shady. I’m only still using them because I paid for multiple years of service and while they’re a bad choice for privacy, it does the job of not making my ISP angy.
What ended up happening with all the massive security problems in the -arr programs that were used to take over all those VPSes, anyway?
Don’t they typically do minor anti-burn in changes during idle, basically having a built-in screensaver? Still, an additional one could be nice for peace of mind.
Possibly. You should be fine as far as apps go. The setup is a little more involved but the work is front-loaded. Once it’s set up, it’s very similar, if a bit less visually appealing. It supports some extra media types and such but really the main advantages are it being FOSS, privacy respecting, and having all features completely free.
That wasn’t live action or a remake :P
It’s really satisfying having someone to share your collection with. I moved in with my now-fiancée late last year and it’s so fun watching it grow to suit us both. Currently still using Plex since there isn’t a Jellyfin client for the Xbox One and we have yet to get a Shield or something else superior to it, and I don’t feel like figuring out the networking side of things until we’re at our next apartment.
It’s a FOSS alternative to Plex, if you’re familiar with that. Less like a tv channel, more like a streaming service you populate yourself.
From what Madison said it sounds like it goes far too deep for this to change much. I hope things get better (since it’s unlikely LTT just up and disappears immediately), but from what we’ve seen this culture of dismissal goes right to the top.
I was willing to watch along and hope they do better with the initial stuff from GN since it was ultimately junk food entertainment for me, but at this point fuck them and I hope the innocent people there get away and end up okay.
I dunno, I’d expect journalists to provide that information instead of assuming you’re familiar with a charity which has a name that sounds like any ol gaming event. I don’t think it was done out of malice but I do think it’s your job as a journalist to recognize how that will sound to people unfamiliar with the charity and to inform them in turn. Leaving that ambiguity makes GN’s argument’s sound stronger to those uninformed and I think most writers are familiar with that effect. You aren’t saying anything untrue or even really lying by omission, but you are making use of people’s ignorance.
My point isn’t that that was some major deception or a massive problem, just that if I was on the other end of that I would want it to be very clear what that auction was being run for, as it can impact if people think you’re being malicious or if you’re just incompetent. God knows LTT makes bigger mistakes regularly nowadays.
(and yes, I do think Linus pinpointed the issue about the block because it’s the easiest to address without changing anything or addressing any real problems)
I don’t even think he’s pulling it out as an intentional tactic, I get the feeling he legitimately wants to be a good guy and is barely able to handle the suggestion that he isn’t acting like one. Just a fragile ego and self-image.
I don’t know why you say “pretend” there. Having seen the GN video first, the tone and lack of specificity definitely led me to believe it was being sold for profit (I was surprised when I found out it was for charity), and I would totally want to clear that up if I were in Linus’ position.
I dunno, I don’t really care that much about a company screwing over another company and then paying them back once it’s publicized. Both options come off to me as the kinds of minor transgressions that I assume happen regularly and aren’t really the kind of thing people who aren’t personally involved should care much about. For me, the big problems are the slipping quality of their test results and other issues caused by their release schedule and I wish GN didn’t even bother bringing up the auction in the first place. Doing it for profit impacts my view differently from doing it for charity, but it’s all just peanuts in the end.
Eh, I’d say the difference between selling it for themselves and for charity is meaningful. One seems like a play for dollars taking advantage of their connections while the other just sounds like a communication fuckup where the ones taking care of the block weren’t in contact with the ones making promises to return it. Neither is good, of course, but to someone outside the situation they do impact my view of the company differently.
Regardless, the main issue is their absurd pace and he doesn’t address that at all. I hope their new CEO is more willing to budge on that than Linus has been, but it’s too early to tell.
Honestly they look way cooler with feathers. Older models of how dinosaurs looked were so bland by comparison.
I believe Android calendars are stored and managed outside of the apps themselves so whatever you have will probably just transfer over. If not, you can get an ics export.