Honestly, had no clue what friendica is.
Pigeons! Member of the Lemmy Community Management team and former admin at Delv.
Honestly, had no clue what friendica is.
I was a c/news mod for a bit and it was fucking hell. So many ad posts!
20 Bucks he jerks it to anime girls.
Yeah I remember our school stuck out like a massive sore thumb and ran Linux on its computers until the very, very fucking end. The Dept. Education eventually threatened budget cuts that would kill the school. They eventually folded but to really make it hard for the dept. ed they said that all the laptops that were already running linux could and would continue to run linux. The reason why is because of some monitoring program the dept. ed wanted to put on that linux wouldn’t run.
I remember hearing about it on the news and I was in just… total shock for at least 10 minutes. I just stood there after hearing it on the news. It still spins my brain round how someone could be such an evil fuck.
Smog per smoglle
Nostlagia. I also just wanna see it run again.
Unable to connect to internet.
Thanks for the the tjps but they all don’t look likely they would run.
Doesn’t recognise my Ipod at all.
Hey mate, I did read through it and it was of no use to me. Thanks for your help.
Thanks :D. You are insanely helpful.
Aight. 8 Minutes till done.
Grabbed the first one I saw.
Thanks. Do you think you could help me with it?
Thanks for your help. Sadly it doesn’t help much for Linux Mint.
Had a look, seems like facebook–ish UI but 10 years ago. Correct?