Do I though? My TV still works fine and isn’t smart and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything
Do I though? My TV still works fine and isn’t smart and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything
I don’t even notice a real difference between 1080p and 4k. I bever watch 4k. For some shows, like stupid sitcoms, I still accept 720p, because it’s less than 1gb.
Still the other person’s point stands. It is a wage issue, but the questions isn’t just “How much money do you want?”, but alo “How much are you willing to do for that money?”.
Since this post was originally about AI, let’s return there. Many advances are being made with AI in elderlcare. Some more useful than others. Your point of people getting angry because they loose their independence is a recognised problem that people are trying to solve with technology, like communication apps and teaching elderly how to use technology to their benefit. But there are other solutions to think about. Like placing the facilities in a good location, where things like stores, hairdressers and restaurants are in walking distance. Or even making public transport more accessible. Also community is important. That has always been a struggle, but in the past decade I’ve seen a lot more events being organised in elder homes. Sometimes these events are organised internally, but there are also a lot of private companies who are trying to fill this need.
There are also a lot of technical innovations in care and monitoring. There are small, wearable heart rate monitors, blood sugar monitors, whatnot monitors, all kinds of monitors so nurses don’t have to come by twuce a day to measure someone’s values. There are smart diapers so you don’t have to clean someone hours after the fact, but you’ll get a notice immediately. Maybe there’ll even be smart showers at some point. This takes a lot of pressure of the (still understaffed) nurses who don’t have to walk as many rounds
All these advancements also mean that people will be able to live at home for longer and remain fairly independent for longer and therefor happier for longer.
So I think the question “How much are you willing to do for that money?” is not all the shit you said, but technology can help reduce the amount of shit you have to deal with. I think that, combined with better pay, better and fairer career chances, better treatment of lesser educated staff and more respect for the sector in general will make it so that more people are willing to choose nursing as a career.
That may be a lot to ask right now, but it’s something to strive for as a society. We’ve got a lot of pessimists on this platform, but I’ve met a lot of good people in the sector that are already working hard to make it better and are making steps every day.
P.s. I don’t work in elderly care, but I used to work for a company that delivered care aids to elderly people living at home.
It’s to remind them what they are bodybuilding for. To fight the bikinigirl empire. Join the resistance, fight the oppressors!
Was it a script to install your own crypto miner?
I used to have this docker image for Archive Team running. I’ve helped archive a hundred gigabytes or so of reddit data. After a couple reset of my home server, I don’t have it running right now.
Sure I’ll indulge you. I think it started with the Putin/Trump mural in 2016. This was a Russian street artist making political commentary. As a response, people made fake images of Trump and Putin kissing. Soon other fake images showed up of world leaders whith unlikely partners which set the kissing theme as a household meme. Shortly after the 2020 elections in the USA, LLM’s were dropped into the world and with them AI image generation. So this joke took a run. Now nobody’s safe from this joke. It’s not just Trump, but it’s happening all over the world. These kissing images and others like it are kind of funny, but many images are nearly indistinguishable from reality and are actively weaponised to cause political havoc. Which is a whole other problem, of course.
The joke isn’t about being gay. They’re both men, sure, but that’s just because they are. Here’s the same joke with Trump and Harris
I don’t think much has changed since then. There are still many services around that require an app, because it’s cool
This “gf” is a very talented entrepeneur
That’s a perfectly acceptable plan, were it not that a laptop is much less handy. It’s cumbersome to use a laptop while standing in a crowded bus, for instance, that’s what a phone is good for.
Yes, same reason I would’ve liked GOT to have a proper final season. It’s for the story telling.
It’s weird how can upvote both this and the “fuck OP” comments
Jesus fuck, does everything have to be political? I guess it does
We can go even deeper
You have a choice to make. You take the blue pill… the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill… you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
For the bathroom, I swear by my steam cleaner. No chemicals, just hot steam. If that doesn’t get it, vinegar is good escalation. Soak the spots in vinegar and you should be able to wipe it off easy. Maybe screw you shower head off the wall and let it soak over night.
Water wars? I’ve got about 30 cm of water in my basement right now.
These are difinitely just short clips, but I’ll take another (actual) look at certain sites. Up till now I had automated software do the looking for me, but apparently it’s not flawless.
That was a pleasant surprise. I like how they combined various disciplines, a classic orchestra, opera, choir and also the energy of it all. But it’s weird so see a man hanging from the ceiling, if you don’tknow the movie.