That can also be your poor fucking housemate if you got one. One day, after 5 snoozes at 5am, I went to the dude’s door and yelled, “Either get the fuck up or I’ll pour an ice-cold bucket of water over your head and bed the next time it rings!” I wasn’t joking. He never used the snooze function again.
If accepted.
Reviewer’s comments:
Do you know if wallabag or Omnivore has a send to Kindle feature, similar to Push to Kindle?
Seems like it’s dashy.
Yep, this is it.
Not an app, but I’ve become quite a fan of MerrySky recently on both mobile and desktop.
I was about to suggest obsidian+syncthing when I saw your edit. I’m using the same combo on multiple devices and it’s working flawlessly.