Lossless Cut FOSS, Crossplatform frontend for ffmpeg. Note that to do it losslessly, it will still be in mp3. If you need to transcode you can do that too, but like others have said you’ll probably lose quality.
Lossless Cut FOSS, Crossplatform frontend for ffmpeg. Note that to do it losslessly, it will still be in mp3. If you need to transcode you can do that too, but like others have said you’ll probably lose quality.
Puzzles (40 single-player logic games) I recommend this package on f-droid for puzzles. As for an organised list, f-droid is pretty lacking in terms of subcategories within it’s categories, but I have skimmed that whole category a couple times just to see if anything is interesting. There is also a solitaire package in there. Simple Solitaire Collection (Solitaire game collection with 17 games)
The monoblock was a prototype watercooling block that interfaced with the cpu and gpu simultaneously. Normally if you wanted to watercool both components one would purchase seperate waterblocks for the cpu and gpu and then use plumbing in between the two.
Hyperrogue is not quite a top down hexagon world, it’s a top down heptagon world. The premise is that it is a roguelike set in a hyperbolic world, and different regions teach you different weird properties of a hyperbolic space. For example, the crossroads feature an infinite amount of parallel lines and yet there are still forks in the pathway.
Even though it’s foss, it is also for sale on steam if you want to support the dev