This sounds cool, but troubling because of its license. Trying to write a linux compatible kernel and licensing as MIT is basically asking to get railroaded by gigantic organizations. I hope they reconsider in the future.
This sounds cool, but troubling because of its license. Trying to write a linux compatible kernel and licensing as MIT is basically asking to get railroaded by gigantic organizations. I hope they reconsider in the future.
Dope song
Gentooo, the only reason I’ use it is so I could bring up systems on old architectures. Besides that it really isn’t worth it.
Once I realized you meant LTT I laughed so hard
This is the correct take. Copyright as a concept is just flawed, especially in a world where you can sell those ideas.
It really needs to be opt-out, but this is a good start.
Im saying that it doesnt matter if the requirements are super high, it’s still dangerous and I don’t really see how the use cases are justifiable. It also doesn’t scale well with a lot of people. You could easily just build rail or use a bus and make a bus lane.
Dog if you make one mistake you can kill so many more people than in a crash. This is a horrible idea.
I think the root of the problem is the Republican party. If you look at the language the shooter used in his manifesto, it’s very very similar. There are things social media platforms can do to mitigate extremism, but people like this will continue to feel emboldened by the GOP.
Yeah :)
That’s exactly what I was implying lol
I hate McConnell, but even in his old age he is somehow more component than this buffoon.
I think the birthright citizenship is the way to go. If you’re born in the US I think that should be the point where we go “Okay, you’re a citizen”. We could have a situation where a group of people are perpetually denied citizenship for some reason that’s advantageous to another group, and that ensures their children can’t becomes citizens either.
deleted by creator
He doesn’t. Why he’s running for president third party I really do not know.
Reminds me of when the Vice Pres. of the confederacy started lying about how the war wasn’t about slavery after he got locked up lol
I feel like the only thing that can dethrone twitter now is mastodon, given how it’s setup. I don’t really think bluesky will work anymore.
Just kill me
Desantis just admitted that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. His campaign is over. Check his polling, it’s been nosediving hard.
Definitely not guaranteed biden wins, but you have to admit trump is toxic. He directly helped lead to the republicans underperforming in the 2022 midterms, and his mere existence on a ballot energizes people to get out and vote against him. It’s not looking good for the guy, and anything’s possible, but I really don’t think he will win.
Thanks :)