Nobody’s dick’s that long.
Nobody’s dick’s that long.
Ants? How do they work?
Sensationalist hooey!
Exactly! Pathetic ad disguised as life advice.
Your username is very rude! :P
It’s the dry semen between pages that gives that characteristic smell.
Reminds me of a black mirror episode. 15 million something.
You guys say you hate corporate culture yet have no problem faking positive and confident to get a job. Curious! I am very intelligent.
But AI is only going to get better in the long run. How is that a solid argument?
Where is the useless red circle when you need it?
So cool! Similar to mine.
Few days ago I downgraded glibc(I’m dumdum) because it was recommended in a reddit thread for a problem I was having. I couldn’t even chroot. Fortunately I could update with pacman --root
Why did Riku become one with the darkness?
When you masturbate all day wearing a helmet, that simple “What’s up?” can be quite painful.
Femcel memes is single handedly keeping me hooked in.
If that’s the best the judge can do, I feel sorry for them. And I will leave it at that.
2 looks like Ralph in danger like someone else mentioned
I was making my own reference! It continues with “Not even Long Dick Johnsons’s. And he had a fucking long dick.”