Pfft, looped that thing for hours. After a time my brain just began conjuring other sounds out of it.
Pfft, looped that thing for hours. After a time my brain just began conjuring other sounds out of it.
EDIT: wtf, my comment was supposed to be on a totally different post… jfc.
LittleSnitch if you’re on MacOS, though I gather Apple has been caught overriding users’ rules to phone home, so you may want to combine it with other measures such as a DNS manager.
Hoping any that are still staging protests are doing it to keep the mess visible to remaining users, current staff & potential investors. Reddit cannot retain any one of those without the other two.
Nothing is more delicious to conservatives than a small, powerless group who do not fit into the so-called social norms to attack as a scapegoat. Perfect for distracting their supporters from all of the fuckery and wanton neglect that conservative parties pursue, and perfect for whipping up emotional fervour in the mind of those who cling to conservatism out of fear of difference.
Other groups & causes which conservatives tend to target may willing to jettison the needs of a tiny group for their own ends if they can get their own ends met, and fracturing solidarity is incredibly useful, if not essential, to conservative goals.
As such, people who are seeking treatment for gender dysphoria are the perfect target for the GOP to rail against.