So they just become ocean trash instead? Seems like we should put a stop to that as well.
So they just become ocean trash instead? Seems like we should put a stop to that as well.
haha thank you!!!
it’s also really stupid considering the liberal cites are literally what MAKES Texas. There’s mass amounts of population in rural areas that just flat don’t vote. If everyone voted in TX it’s be blue as fuck.
Either way when the cities themselves lose all the workers that high paying jobs need the cities start to fall and the revenue for the state will follow.
Literal idiots that just think the oilfield will go on forever and nothing else will matter
yeah I told my doc that I had really dropped my overall beer drinking down to about 8 beers a week like I was super proud of myself and saying “I don’t drink all that much anymore” and he looked at me and just said “well that’s still debateable”
I’m like BRUH… Down from like 20 beers a week I felt accomplished but he didn’t think it was an accomplishment.
down votes take you down the chain in reddit so you can basically be downvoted to where no one would see what you wrote. If they had a brigade they could take you out of a conversation
I’ve legit never understood it’s appeal. Like what even is the purpose of it?
truly sad state of things. It’s disinformation like none other. These people are completely oblivious to the facts of his criminal activities because the media they consume is only focused on cultural issues. It’s literally all they see. They have no ability to look things up or fact check or think beyond whatever their pod casts are telling them.
It’s such a bigger issue about this country as a whole. Education has failed so many. Those same people will vote for people that want to further erode education. They also have lots of kids and groom them to believe nonsense and deny education’s importance. They attack teachers and doctors as being “woke” etc…
I hope we can come back from this, but the reality is it gets much worse from here.
ubuntu is the most widely used distro and very simple to setup and gaming out of the box with steam is very simple. Distro end of the day doesn’t matter all that much because you can change them to your hearts content, but for a beginner, you’d probably have the easiest time with an ubuntu distro.
Doesn’t hurt to have virtual box windows on your linux box just so you can easily do some of that other stuff. While I have done fine with libre office for a long time there are definitely problems with formatting so having a windows VM would just solve that issue. Plus teams and w/e.
Epic games will take some serious tweaking, but not impossible.
google is also spyware… so is facebook while we’re at it and literally ANY OTHER APP YOU PUT ON YOUR PHONE. Ever notice how every single thing has an app? It’s not to make it easy for you to buy stuff from them, it’s so they can utilize your data to make them more money.
lol straight up troll bait. Also funny cause it’s probably people who “believe in freedom and the constitution” who voted in that dumb poll. Somehow we need a nanny state to take over control of the internet… FREEDOOOOMMMM
troll shit… Probably half the voters were trolls too
yeah and all the “problems” with America are soooo fucking external to them… Like they are never confronted with drag shows or LGBTQ stuff in general. They’ll say things like “you see what’s going on in San Fransico” and I’m like… NO… I don’t live there lol…
Like they consume ONLY this nonese…
You see it on reddits /r/conservative and other the_donald wannabe subs. They just non stop talking about gay and trans stuff and I’m in a very liberal city and literally never see any of this supposed “wokeness” or w/e they are so scared of.
It’s like they are living in an alternative reality it’s very strange.
if you are found not guilty you can’t be tried for that crime again.
They’ll figure out how to get it appealed up to the bought and paid for supreme court and that’ll save him.
yeah like… WTF you gonna try to do this on a major social media site… how stupid is that shit… Go to IRC, fools.
I’v been using Ubuntu for nearing 20 years now. Maybe like 18ish… It took debian’s rock solidness and made it ez pz. It’s super easy to install and configure and runs like a dream. Has long term stable releases especially important for server architecture. Has the “server” install that is minimal on disk space.
Etc… Just really rock solid distro that I’ve run for decades and has cost me $0 to do so.
I ran red hat till all the cool kids told me it’s got to be Debian and then Ubuntu hit the scene and that was that. I’m sure Arch is fine and I’d bet had I chosen to stick with Red Hat and move to Fedora it’d also be fine. End of the day it’s still Linux.
I’m in a town of 3600… People are super fucking poor and still work their asses off. None of them would give a fuck if you “try that” or w/e the fuck that guy is on about… They’d go on about their business because they are just surviving. They’d sure as fuck not give a shit about any sorta of vigilante justice. They’d say “that’s definitely not my problem”
Pretty sure this dude is pandering to wannabees who probably have never actually spent any time in a small town in the US.
nah I know the kind of people you are who call entitlements welfare. You purposely conflate the 2 and spread your misinformation for more idiots to pick up. You’re brainwashed by a party that has become completely radicalized. I say this as a person who use to vote republican.
Our government has to spend tons of money on all the shit it spends money on. We should consider other ways of collecting money to defeat the inflation problem. It’s really very fucking simple if you get right down to it.
As soon as we get rid of the theocrats we can probably solve it.
I mean people like you are actual dumbasses…
What do you think happens if they ended entitlements??? Where do you think all of that money goes? INTO THE ECONOMY… if we end entitlements we’d see the largest depression ever in the US.
Our economy is what it is BECAUSE of them. You think if the government just spent 0 money we’d somehow be better off? Even though literally every other major economic powerhouse hase entitlements and welfare lol.
It’s just pure propagandized stupidity.
When the US government stops spending the entire world will spiral into a depression and the US would take longer to come out of it. We’d be ruined economically for the remainder of your life.
But yeah go on with your stupid fucking take.
Sending weapons to Ukraine is also a huge economic boost with the added benefit of securing yet another eventual base and massive political power in that region while destabilizing an aggressive dictatorship shit hole.
Fucking pittance in the grand scheme of things and amazingly smart move by our current leaders. If you think they’d actually spend it on our citizens that’s the other funny part. The republican talking points are on and on about “look what we could do with this money” while they themselves want to further take from citizens and give to billion dollar organizations.
Oh but they are too busy trying to install a theocracy to give a fuck about helping citizens anwyay. Mostly republican states that still have not legalized weed because they rather throw people in jail than get a major boost to tax revenue that could go to actual communities in need.
Republican states with the worst education by far and shittiest teacher pay.
Republican states with the worst health care and highest infant mortality…
But yeah for sure we’d have magically taken that money and put it to good use instead of defending an ally while boosting the shit out of our economy with said defense lol.
Stop listening to pod casts… You want to know why the government needs to spend that money follow the federal reserve and modern monetary theory. Economically we are still a leader in the entire world with not even close to the highest population. How do you think we keep that going? By cutting off entitlements, welfare, and allowing Russia to expand it’s territory and influence?
Fucking brain dead fucking take.
Entitlements are not welfare. Period. Welfare is hardly a drop in the overall bucket. Entitlements are money that people are owed because they paid in. As in they are entitled to that. Welfare is paying for poor people to be able to survive.
You are purposely mixing the 2 because you fall for the serious propaganda on the “right” that somehow social security should be ended. If they end it they owe us that money back.
this isn’t why America is divided what lol. It’s divided because of misinformation and an education system that is totally failed so critical thinking is fucked.
It’s divided because people believe every whacked out conspiracy theory and even policy makers make policy on said conspiracies.
It’s divided because the super wealthy want to remain in power and it’s easy for them since money is allowed in politics.
Biden joining Truth Social is just plain comedy.