I think the term you’re looking for is covert racism.
I think the term you’re looking for is covert racism.
I’m Canadian and yeah… Even IRL a lot of people refuse to admit it.
I’ve been forced to educate people about the Chinese Head Tax and the 2 very distinct Chinese Exclusion Acts and how that on top of Yellow Peril still affects Chinese disapora today in government regulations including immigration and social programs, which is super traumatic as a Hong Kong diaspora who is also trans, queer, female-bodied, and neurodivergent.
I’m not sure why you’re confused because the first sentence of the article literally says:
Australians have resoundingly rejected a proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in the country’s constitution and establish a body to advise parliament on Indigenous issues.
Which sums up why they were trying to make this happen, which also sounds like they don’t have an official group of Indigenous peoples advising the government on anything that is an Indigenous issue, which is super bad.
Also, from the article:
Opposition to the voice seized on this ambiguity, adopting a campaign slogan of “if you don’t know, vote no”.
Or the Japanese army during WWII.
Really? My Google Sheets has so many formulas and conditional formatting. There’s so much I can’t do in Excel that I can do in Sheets :/
Also, adding checkboxes in Excel is a pain lol. They made it so difficult.
I prefer Google Sheets over Excel but cannot tell you why.
Not even a he 🤣
And actually, my friends do fulfill 70% of my emotional needs and I’m pretty good at fulfilling my own needs as well. I have zero desire for a romantic relationship or connection at this point in my life.
Cute. I’m not the one who needs to date someone to be happy.
I hate that evolutionary part of me that cares about having sex/a mate so much that I actually allow myself to become depressed based on the goddamn preferences of one person.
Sounds like you don’t have friends and you expect your partner to be your only source of emotional support. You should fix that before you try to be in a romantic relationship.
A very short one. It’s technically open to everyone now!
What is Beeper/Matrix? Although I’m from the golden age of Trillian/MirandaIM 😆
Look into Beeper! It just got RCS support in its last update. Not sure if they plan on supporting Teams though.
If you’re tech savvy though, look into setting up your own Matrix server for a Teams bridge.
Pixels also have the live captioning built into its sound ecosystem. Not sure if it got translated to other brand images though.
Thought people were talking about the native app not watching via the browser.
But, yes, Firefox Mobile Android master race. Can confirm it’s so superior!
You don’t even get PiP on Android without premium.
I have. The one time I got COVID, it felt like 40-50C all week plus humidity, I was masking with an N95 the whole time when I was around people, but because I was working an outdoor music festival, 95% of the people I was around wasn’t.
I especially could barely get out of bed, had to use my inhaler about 5-10 times a day cuz it kept triggering asthma attacks, my limbs hurt so fucking much, I was nauseous and light-headed and had insane brain fog. It got better after 2 weeks but I was only really ok for about 4 hours a day and could only be vertical for about 2 or I would get really sick.
I had long COVID for about 2-3 months after that, which included severe brain fog, struggling to breathe, and easily got tired all the time.
I also get COVID-like symptoms when I get the vaccine for 2 weeks all 3 times I got it.
I really wish people would understand that masking is to protect other people by not spreading it to them, not yourself from getting sick.
Amen sibling.
I spent 10+ years trying to kill myself as a child because who I was was never accepted. By 17 I had an end (pun intended) goal to stop being alive at my 18th birthday.
I’m 35 now and literally have no idea what I’m doing with my life or any real goals because I never planned to be alive this long. I’ve been faking it since I passed my 18th birthday.
Firstly, you linking Jordan Peterson, who is known to spread negative propaganda about anything that isn’t pro cis-white male privilege and toxic masculinity is so laughable. It proves that you’re drinking the false news koolaid.
Secondly, there are people who regret the surgery for so many reasons including internalized transphobia, peer pressure, botched surgery by incompetent surgeon, etc. It’s VERY hard to get approved for gender affirming surgery. You need your family doctor, psychologist, and at least two other medical professionals to access and sign off on it.
Thirdly, cis-hetero kids have been assigned hormone blockers for many medical reasons and grew up to be adults with perfectly functional endocrine systems.
If you’re going to keep looking at things from a cis-straight perspective, then look at the same medical practices and procedures that are performed on cis-straight kids. You’ll see that they are safe enough to not warrant any of this bullshit fear mongering from idiots like Jordan Peterson.
P.S. Surgery is done on intersex kids all the fucking time to make them conform to the gender binary against the child’s consent and there is much more harm done there than there will ever be for trans kids to get gender affirming care.
P.P.S. Circumcision is also surgery done against the consent of the child, and definitely immoral when done not for religious reasons, and yet it’s still a very common and openly accepted practice in the USA.
You are correct except for calling the white colonizers “settlers”.
Settlers in this context typically means immigrants who came over after Australia became a British colony. Usually non-white but there are plenty of Scottish and Irish families who are settlers because of the whole British enslaving them part.