Musk is an idiot
I’m going to stop you there.
What if we’re too American to draw an appropriate conclusion from that?
Nothing a big old apology can’t fix
This is cool - I hadn’t heard of it. This article describes it (while being suspiciously similar to the press release itself): https://newatlas.com/automotive/mahle-perfect-electric-motor/
What’s the last significant tech development you remember? They’re all just monopolistic lobbying firms.
Not just their old jobs. The jobs we don’t want and never had any desire to do.
I have really high hopes that Ladybird picks up the slack
Guess we’ll get more iPhones out of it
(/s but really wish I didn’t have to)
This is good advice. Each of us is a small force alone, but that force can be multiplied when we join forces with our comrades. In NY specifically, you may want to check out the Working Families Party: https://workingfamilies.org/
They are represented on the ballot and typically endorse the more progressive Democratic candidates. They could have local resources to aid you with your protest and you may be able to gather additional protesters. You may also want to connect with your local mutual aid group as there are often politically progressive people involved with those.
May the shittiest company lose (before both being blasted into the sun)
As one who hates birds, how do you feel about this news?
Definitely a better option than the former. All the beaches with none of the falling into the sea.
Did Florida secede and we didn’t notice?
Seriously though, that sounds like not the worst place to live.
Why wait? The best time would have been the dawn of civilization. The second best time is now.
That’s called McFusion
For some reason your rhetorical question about fighting everyone reminded me of this very important quiz. Know thyself or something.
I don’t understand. Could you maybe put this all into picture format?
If you’re “making friends for this purpose,” they aren’t friends. The way you accomplish someone doing this for you is by paying them.