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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024

  • “How is it that there are so many Americans who own so many guns who are so indiscriminate about using them when someone makes them upset, and yet you’ve got four in 10 American adults carrying medical debt?” (Doctrow) said. He’d heard of people who wouldn’t approach someone who was texting at a movie theater or swerving across traffic because they might have a weapon. “How is it that people who fly off the handle under such trivial circumstances are so sober and responsible and even-keeled when it comes to these things that when I imagine them, all I can think is I would lose my mind?”

    I can tell you why in less than 25 words: the gun lobby wants people to buy guns and be afraid of everyone, and you never see the person who approves medical procedures.

  • the party would rather have members who play nice with money and power and make public pointless grandstanding actions in public rather than members who connect with the actual people, listen to the people, and fight for the people.

    with 3 exceptions, I have always voted for the democratic candidate in the 22 years that I have been eligible to vote. and I refuse to register with the party because the national party does stupid shit like this. it’s as though they are intentionally trying to never join the party. and yet I get bombarded with fundraising emails and snail mail. MEIN GOTT the begging.

    i vote for democrats because they are closer to where I am and they are viable. how many nonpartisan voters like me aren’t that tactical and stay home and cost themselves elections?

    before this election I was not in favor of an electoral age cap for office. now I’m strongly in favor of one. it’s clear as day that these gerontologic electeds who have been in office since clinton and bush, the first bush, that they are so out of touch that mercury has a better chance of touching pluto than they are with the base of the party. vote out all of the olds. I don’t just want them not in power but still in office because then they could still have influence behind the scenes. get them away from the controls of power.