it’s not a theory, it’s fact: the smell is rotting flesh (and dairy for most) and animals on earth rely on it to know if something is nearby them.
it’s not a theory, it’s fact: the smell is rotting flesh (and dairy for most) and animals on earth rely on it to know if something is nearby them.
i was a huge couch potato addicted to all the trek content i could find and i somehow missed this; thanks for the nostalgia and the icing on the cake is that i had the same remote control during the same period.
The meso American version of this is so fascinating because they built so many civilization supporting infrastructures and then seemingly forgot or just stopped how to using them leading to a collapse several times over.
I want to believe that religion or politics prevented them from enduring to the present day as they were at their height and that we’ll meet the same fate for the same reasons.
i lol because it’s the only way i can find to keep myself sane through the insanity from the last 40+ years and it’s taught me to expect more because boomers and the silent generation (eg biden and trump) are still in control and will be for atleast another 35+ years so shit will continue to happen because they only give a rat’s ass about themselves and maybe their children/grandchildren.
unless you’re one of those children/grandchildren, more shit will happen and expect to have to vote for those children/grandchildren into office or, at least, expect to call them boss at your next job; assuming you can still get a job.
and don’t bother complaining about it; the last 40+ years have also taught me the hard way that doing so will only label you a malcontent and make it more difficult to find work in your future.
learn how to fake a convincing smile to your bosses and find something to lol at for yourself to keep your head above the water.
As an a vintage millennial I can say w confidence: there will be more and you should prepare yourself. Lol
make periodic backups of your gmail account content on your own computer(s) and setup auto responder on gmail to use a new email address; easy peasy
I wonder how many times it takes for a judge to get tired of sending you too jail for contempt over and over again for refusing to say yes. Lol
i take it to mean that the definition depends on how you’ve learned about it.
a real world example is world war 2: if you’re an american it started in 1941; meanwhile if you’re chinese, it started in 1931; and if you’re swiss or scandinavian it lasted until the 1950’s
even in the same country it can be different, another real world example is the mexican rebellion of the early 20th century. if you’re a religious/social conservative it went from 1921 to 1933; if you’re not, it went from 1921 to 1923 and then there several followup wars like the cristero rebellion that lasted until 1933
conflicts don’t cleanly start and end; they windup and then winddown slowly and it’s up to you to define where the start and end are; and since we’re all have different definitions, others will have different dates.