looks like either tty-clock or tmux clock-mode
(prefix + t)
looks like either tty-clock or tmux clock-mode
(prefix + t)
this deserves many more upvotes haha
we have C#, where the hell is C♭?
OsmAnd for detailed maps, and Kiwix for offline wikipedia (and other wikis).
all this does is to make sure to alienate the cyclists who would actually listen.
if it was as simple as “changing from the default”, most people wouldn’t give a shit.
the problem is that it has parasitically embedded itself as an ever-growing monolith somewhere in the murky waters between kernel- and userspace.
coupled with a bunch of bad design choices, and it taking on more and more system roles makes it so that it constitutes an actual danger to libre software.
by installing arch you chose systemd.
whaaat?! we have to flood areas for hydroelectric? and cut down forests for wind generation?! oh well, then that’s it, it’s settled.
guess we should just go back to burning coal then.
in norway all the power is hydroelectric, and it’s been that way for the past 100 years.
and i don’t understand how wind turbines, solar panels, or “everything green” is somehow exclusive to europe.
abby is ben in drag with an snapchat filter, change my mind
i wonder if he had life insurance