I still pay for it because they haven’t cracked down on sharing. It’s why o still have Hulu too.
If that goes, then so does my sub.
I still pay for it because they haven’t cracked down on sharing. It’s why o still have Hulu too.
If that goes, then so does my sub.
Oh no my cilantro aversion
Guys it’s a bit, he’s doing a bit. Calm down.
Damn poor guy. I’ll put 20 bucks on his books for Ramen. Dudes a true patriot.
Big tech won’t chip in is my bet. My company maintains its own version of Linux that has some specific certifications. Updating that box requires an act of god. My bet is that the companies that can afford to will create their own “LTS” versions that just get older and older, and more broken and exploited as time goes on…
Sorry, long night at work =/
OTH doesn’t show up on a regular background check, and you are not required to disclose it. Not sure about bad conduct or dishonorable discharges, though.
I heard that in his voice
I’m 35. You’d better believe I’d get more than 1k if I lost my hand at work. Why are you and others like you harping on him being “almost 18”? So fucking what?
God I love learning about analog tech! Very creative design!
Same. Bootstrap at work, tailwind at home.
I felt that 💔
You’re getting down voted to hell, but I totally agree. Using someones else’s YT account or using it at work is so jarring because I am used to a 100% ad-free experience. It’s a good value to me, I’m not going to cry about paying $15 a month for a service I literally use multiple hours a day.
Those ads are the point of their business model. They show you ads, and repay you with tokens. You can gift those tokens to content creators or sell them on the market.
My dad and I both think apple has been best bang for the buck. I’ve let that one lapse, but I’ve enjoyed their originals.