yeah not sure. are there ways to rip a drm physical album to audio file?
encrypt everything, layers and layers of encryption and then feed them garbage
not sure how to cross post, but this would fit well in
why not buy the album and then use it locally on your device? vlc runs pretty much everything and you could fit thousands of songs while offline (could even remove the gsm/wifi/bluetooth from a phone running some FOSS os and turn it into your offline media device). or just get a cd player for $1 at a thrift store, offline, private, full access
thrift stores sell albums for $1 and there are a few sites that sell new music to be downloaded for cheap
what’s the difference between old.reddit and reddit? and why does reddit support old.reddit?
sudo install magic-i-hope-this-isnt-malware
local foss image recognition for memes would be nice. i’ll add it to my “search list” and if i find a good one, will reply
sorry, noob here, how to find the original of this and other memes so i can contribute to the shit?
i’ll have to read their audit. thanks for the pointer
interesting. thanks for the info
so what’s the benefit here? just to not broadcast to your credit card/crypto chain that you purchased it? i assume they still have logs with the ip address you’re connecting from
they also were illegally tracking users’ location and aggregating that data to build their map’s traffic data. wouldn’t put it past them to do it without user knowledge or consent and use it
yeah totally, definitely not trying to say it’s a hopeless situation. there are many helpful tools to help with having some. i just have been following and involved with data collection and it’s a bit of a mess - the idea that anything can happen without at least the 13 eyes knowing seems almost impossible
i can’t tell if you’re trolling… in most countries we don’t have privacy, everything is attached to the cloud and data mined already - unless it’s offline with no input/output that could touch the internet, there is no privacy
it does taste gross
spot on!