Isn’t the 9792 street distance though rather than a straight line?
Isn’t the 9792 street distance though rather than a straight line?
Have the days of it being illegal to call it anything but a special military operation in Russia ended?
I get that, it’s just it’s only good for certain topics and anything more niche or casual isn’t well represented. This place did get me into Linux again though haha.
I’ll take a look, main reason I moved to Lemmy was because of sync as it’s what I was used to.
I begrudgingly installed the Reddit app yesterday as I missed the content.
I think I gave cold turkey lemmy only long enough to give it a fair chance at filling that gap but now I browse both again now :/
That’s when it’s marked off the “RRP” bit shady
In that case there should have been more focus on this in the psa’s
I was fine with masks and vaccinations but this kinda felt like being tracked so I didn’t go for this one
Probably a repost so technically not op
They keep each other entertained though, it’s fun watching brand lovers go at each other.
I was asking a genuine question not trolling, if it’s true I’ll get an AMD card next!
Guessing amd has better Linux support? Been running Linux for a while on my laptop but my gaming rig has been a windows strong hold.
Not supporting intel 7th gen and back seemed pretty strong handed, even now they’re still decent processors.
And I know there are work-arounds but not for the average consumer
God I loved the Nexus 4, I had iPhones from iPhone 3G to 4 moved to a Galaxy S3 which I absolutely despised due to the bloatware… sold that on eBay and bought a Nexus 4 16gb for £280… Had Nexus/Pixel branded phones ever since.
Is that because you’re worried about costs of health insurance if they figure out what you’re eating? 😂
Luckily we free health care
This is going to sound like corporate shilling but the mcdonalds app is even better, it’s like your own personal ordering tablet that doesn’t have other people’s germs on it and you can even pre order and check in so they start preparing your food before you enter the building.
The rewards points are really generous too…
This is from a UK pov
Yeah definitely a problem finding truly unbiased information. I’m paranoid my whole world view is shaped by western rule even though there is more free speech here than anywhere else… or is that idea also propaganda lol
I will give that a watch when I have some time later thank you.
In that case I need to figure out the right question to ask
I got a nice early night until the whole town let off fireworks the inconsiderate twats