The naivety of the old guard feels akin to the council in Mass Effect 1 dragging their feet while Saren plows ahead unobstructed.
average man by day, average man by night. / you get more points being on lemmy than you do on reddit / movie enthusiast / /u/doug on reddit
The naivety of the old guard feels akin to the council in Mass Effect 1 dragging their feet while Saren plows ahead unobstructed.
Once upon a time, because I thought I was hard to gross-out, and because I thought it might pay enough, I did consider a career in crime scene clean-up. I didn’t delve too deep into it though/never seriously considered it; more of like… if ever my current-job carpet ever got pulled out from under me and I had no skills elsewhere.
(for the uninitiated. also hey that’s don stark from that 70’s show)
He ain’t gettin’ paid enough for this shit.
I have something called Vocal Chord Dysfunction wherein this just happens when I breathe.
I need to see an ENT about it I just haven’t gotten around to it.
Despite the fact I would like to be cremated, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what to put on my epitaph.
Strange; I posted the artis’s Ko-fi as the URL, and then uploaded their saved comic, but the saved comic overwrote the URL? I’ll keep trying to edit it/dig into it 'till I get it right. Thanks for letting me know!
Edit: oooooh, I’m a dummy/I see it now. You can have an image, or an URL, but not both. I’ll put the artist’s link in the body.
I hope it’s OK for me to just spam other comic artists I follow here once-ish a day. Just looking to breathe some activity into this community 'cause I love comics and want to share/see more of 'em!
No problem, I’ll just eat less plastic!
…oh wait.
More like a six foot turkey.
Well he won’t be allowed back in the press room anytime soon.
At this point it feels like they were only ever there to give the illusion of choice.
Fifty percent?! That’s like, a third of a half! Don’t we knead education?
I am very interested. I’ll look into that, thank you!
Edit from Fossil: We are no longer selling smartwatches.
Yeah that’s why I made sure to say “majority,” but even that could just be my confirmation bias since the loudest 2A supporters are right wingers; I’ve never looked into how many left leaning people are also gun-owners but yes, I know they exist (and I have been thinking about becoming one of them).
I feel like Kent State is going to be a footnote by comparison.
Unfortunately the majority of its users appear to all be brownshirts in waiting.
“Man is the warmest place to hide.”
If I could get a classic dumb watch with just the ability to vibrate when my phone gets an alert, I’d be soooooo happy.
Yeah if he hated DJT as much as I do I would be given quite the pause seeing him thank me for something I’m doing.