Pretty weak 10. Pick one or two and make a compelling article, I’m already trying to quit. We don’t have to make up stuff like “JFC nuclear power!?”
Pretty weak 10. Pick one or two and make a compelling article, I’m already trying to quit. We don’t have to make up stuff like “JFC nuclear power!?”
I’d give you $20 for it ;)
People are looking for “king sized sheets” of “paper towel holder” not gtx4070ti super from gigabyte or esp32 chipset bullshit is how. Most people are getting basic shit, not trying to get around Newegg or a PC parts supplier.
That’s not a real sharp take tbf.
First sentence of each paragraph: correct.
Basically all the rest is bunk besides the fact that you can’t count on always getting reliable information. Right answers (especially for something that is technical but non-verifiable), wrong reasons.
There are “stochastic language models” I suppose (e.g., click the middle suggestion from your phone after typing the first word to create a message), but something like chatgpt or perplexity or deepseek are not that, beyond using tokenization / word2vect-like setups to make human readable text. These are a lot more like “don’t trust everything you read on Wikipedia” than a randomized acid drop response.
Flipping off*. You can flick off boogers, but you flip the bird.
This is me too. I have two of them bought and paid for and people just don’t get it: I went all in on this and you can just sell for 15% of purchase price, I still have mobility needs. More to the point my swasticar still has access to the best charging network on the market and even if I COULD just sell, it’s not cut and dry. It’s easy to shit on Tesla, but it’s still the best offering in the EV market for long range driving. And even if it was not, like fuck me I can’t time travel. Most people who flame have no idea what the actual hell they are talking about.
You can fellate Winnie the Pooh on your own time. It comes with its own whole set of problems.
Edit: Come at me tankies. You’re morons for giving a single dollar to the CCP.
Well that all checks out… This time 😝
Multiplayer online battle arena?
It’s tower defense with extra steps.
… Did you go just to check it out?
Not always possible. In rural areas, Walmart in particular is a mom and pop shop killer. Restaurants maybe, groceries and the like, this is not that universally possible.
I can’t maintain it after I fall asleep for some reason. My wife and I still live in separate houses while we perfect the strategy.
Is that rap slang if you’re referring to a lady? 😬🫣
Putting the gin in Nginx.
N-jinks is silly, f-stab is cool.
Does this mean when you go into an airport bathroom and see the hand dryer, you know it’s called an XLerator (ex-LAIReighter)?
They didn’t. As I’m sure you know. The only unifying thing was “not trump” and “punish trump for doing loudly what others had done quietly”.
But. What are D voters asking for? Is it any wonder the reps aren’t unified if we aren’t either? Of for and by the people doesn’t really work if we all spend our days asking Lemmy how to avoid politics and watching ASMR videos. Or LETTING TRUMP GET INTO OFFICE because of protest no votes against genocide thinking you’re some kind of fucking hero.
Everybody that allowed trump for any reason deserves to get a little bit fucked by the admin. We gotta do better, and this should make it clear to everyone that there. are. consequences.
The only platform is “we follow the rules and the procedures” and that’s all we got. I would love to see a full progressive agenda, but the first step is, in my opinion, getting money out of politics or it will take a long time to break Republican control and an even longer time to push out the neoliberal old guard on the left. Then you have to fight this fractionation problem. With no ranked choice, the same old neoliberal is probably going to win the primary between the women’s rights advocate, the gay rights activist, the pro Palestine anti war ambassador, and so on. I’m also against slow iteration, and this is why it isn’t working. You can’t just say the equivalent opposite of “guns, Jesus, and trump!” (whatever that is) and win a progressive left race.
Yeah I don’t think that’s as true as you’d like to think. It’s not even about accepting outsiders, it’s purely about agreeing what issue to tackle first. Seeems to me there’s a really strong vibe of “I’m in if it’s my issue” and protesting “what about my issue?!” when it’s not. No concept of eating one bite at a time even though that’s how the work gets done.
Exactly. Adding bad examples makes it seem like you couldn’t get 10 good ones which is obviously not true.