so it’s star trek
so it’s star trek
Wasn’t pretty much every character outside the main cast voiced by James Doohan, Majel Barrett, or Nichelle Nichols?
you could also just crop it out in most of them
mom said it’s my turn to suppress the youth vote
Kirk and Uhura are real ones for never telling McCoy that Spock had a phase of being proud to be human until he got dumped by Nurse Chapel. He never would have let him live it down.
Yeah. I really don’t get why people are so opposed to the idea of a musical tbh
What does redistricting have to do with a Senate seat?
my cat came from a hoarder and the shelter said she might not be very well socialized because there were so many cats that they wouldn’t have gotten much human attention, but she literally never stops meowing
It’s not like this situation was unmanageable before kids had cell phones. You call the school and they relay it to the kid.
the fact that even malware developers can’t write something in rust without making sure you know they wrote it in rust is hilarious to me
I love the original animated series. It’s really laid back and relaxing and they get to do weirder stories. TOS would never have Kirk learning magic so he can fight in a wizard battle to save Satan.
I liked this episode, but I thought the opening Lower Decks bit was pretty unfunny. Is the actual show different? It felt like all of the characters were trying way too hard to be quirky and the jokes didn’t really land for me.
Then I think you just want a totally different thing from star trek than me. imo Star Trek has always contradicted itself a lot, and I’m much more interested in the stories and characters, and I’m fine with the world being somewhat vaguely defined. There are so many things that don’t really make sense that people just gloss over, like Balance of Terror claiming that Romulans somehow have an empire in the 23rd century without having warp drive. Star Trek has been retconning stuff so much since it started that it’s weird to me for people to suddenly start caring about it when Discovery came out.
I would recommend skipping TOS as a show, and reading the James Blish adaptations of it and TAS.
This seems like a crazy suggestion to me. Kirk, Spock and McCoy’s onscreen chemistry is half of what makes TOS work.
It doesn’t matter if the Klingons, at the time of TMP, were intended to be a total retcon, because DS9 made lines of dialog that make that impossible
are you talking about Worf’s “we don’t talk about it with outsiders” line in Trials and Tribble-ations? Because I also think it’s ridiculous that people took that line so seriously. It’s a little meta joke in a comedic episode that solely exists to celebrate nostalgia for TOS. I don’t get how you can take it as serious confirmation that Klingon’s appearance changed in universe in that context.
it seems like the kind of thing that’s obviously an out of universe design choice. it’s like asking for a lore reason why the male Enterprise crew members stopped wearing eyeshadow after Kirk’s five year mission.
The augment virus was a really dumb idea and I’m perfectly happy for them to ignore it and never feel the need to write a plot to explain the fact that designs will change over time in a 60 year old sci fi franchise.
He’s effective at ruining everything in Florida, where he has Reublican supermajorities in the legislature to back him up. I’m not convinced he’s actually an effective politician like McConnell.
Making new “TOS” episodes that take place during the five year mission would be cool (maybe even setting it after TOS and making a “season 4”), but I really have no interest in them just remaking episodes that already exist. It just seems like a waste of everyone’s time and budget they could use to make something new.
the funniest thing about people who constantly complain about “nutrek” is that half of them haven’t even seen TOS so the show that’s “real trek” to them is literally just the nutrek og fans were saying ruined star trek in the late 80s