2nd amendment exists for this sole reason.
2nd amendment exists for this sole reason.
I think people are underestimating the seriousness of this action.
Ive heard literal lawyers, analyists start so many trump related topics with this sentance and let me tell you, the point where these serious actions were serious was around a year ago. The moment he was not arrested for coup attempt or when courts said “president can do literally anything” was the turning point and now you’re just reaping the rewards. Yes they’re all underestimated serious actions, no they are nowhere near as serious as the moment you destroyed entire democracy and justice system of the US. No outside of bombing the entire white house there is nothing you can do to stop your new president-for-life.
How long is this belief that trump will act on good faith and respect of the nation going to go on? Since this is literally the only thing stopping death camps, invasions and totalitarian faschism.
so you just claimed bullshit out of gut feel alone and literally nothing else?
I guess twitter only has humans posting on it without any agenda then and its owners political victory is completely unrelated. Lets ignore the claim there are breadcrumbs left, makes it easier for all to win internet arguments.
Should be easy enough to prove wrong then. Go ahead.
How is this impressive at all? Oh yeah, cash society where pieces of paper are mailed around physicially and people stand in line at government offices in order to do day to day bureocracy.
It is easy for us priviledged tech nation citizens to forget that some countries are still 3rd world tier.
That is propaganda and if you think about it, obviously impossible.
He did cause every issue in human history by convincing the first ape to stand up tho.
Kde settings impressed me. I had to fix my mouse and put the wheel on backwards. Took me a few hours messing around regedit to find it. In kde control panel its just a toggle.
Also funny thing is windows backup control panel has 3 options and advanced options. Advanced options lists the same 3 options.
Which control panel? There’s like 20 of them and a new worse one gets added every other year.
You also forget Ukranian corrupt camera lens factories sabotaging all cameras worldwide in order to make the earth seem not flat.
Youbare forgetting also the warcrimes of Umranians where they have time travel labs yhey use to travel back in time to kill baby jesus every day and internet hacking centers used to force musk do awkward gestures. Truly the axis of evil.
Sorry if I have no faith in the US democracy and law system after a literal felon who staged a coup got re elected, had his bestie pull a bunch of nazi salutes while he was busy pardoning literal violent criminals who did the coup, made everyone a woman AND started a system of snitching on your neighbor to get them removed for noncrimes.
And lets not forget people enforcing the law are now his cronies.
They’re just gonna say “whachu gonna do about it” as he sits in the office for the third time. Or the richest men in the world backing the regime will just bri lobby.
If people want tyranny people must get tryranny. Issue is if people no longer want tyranny they must be able to get rid of it as well. Or maybe don allow tyranny in the first place since people have proven over and over again to be too stupid to be allowed full control.
oh and campaign to snitch on your neighbour so the secret police can raid their house for checks notes being in HR.
But nobody likes hr anyway.
That is what the people of america want. They look at what bernie sanders offered, said he was a radical commie totalitarian terrorist and went for trump overwhelmingly." You are fucked in the head as a people and you absolutely deserve your country to be a shitshow cause you like it that way.
Democracy is when the people can remove anyone in office from office. American democracy is saying bribes are lobbying.
Restrictions implanted to not let companies exploit people do that. Takes not stupid people to make smart decisions. Works in my country. Works for welfare states. I’m fine in my country. We were part of the soviet union, we know exactly how oppression, totaliatarian control of the ruling class, genocide, mass murder, oligarchy run government, inequality and systematic ecological catastrophies look like. This is why we want to do better.
Why would you find extremely common words used to express my heart being extended to you in gratitude agressive?
What is wrong with you?
Okay now that we agree concentration camps bad, what is your opionion on trump making new ones?