For exemple
16/8 is the most common intermittent fasting protocol for begginers. 20/4 is recommended in case of autoimmune disease, to reverse leaky gut and insulin resistance.
For exemple
16/8 is the most common intermittent fasting protocol for begginers. 20/4 is recommended in case of autoimmune disease, to reverse leaky gut and insulin resistance.
Actually, science says he’s right. You should fast at least 16 hour per day.
Bla bla bla, so much energy to just not give what I ask for.
Those are not “details”, but “blur sources”.
Details ?
The piece of content in the feed is great and much more fun to browse ! That specific change makes me feel that I can jump from reddit to lemmy definitly.
Good work dudes <3 : one should migrate to lemmy :°
what you ask is Debian what you need is FreeBSD