Hey I finally understand the nuances of meaning of that expression… it’s dangerous, it’s ugly and it smells… Never quite understood the expression before looking at this picture. Thanks
Hey I finally understand the nuances of meaning of that expression… it’s dangerous, it’s ugly and it smells… Never quite understood the expression before looking at this picture. Thanks
Maybe I’m not used to quality products as I’m poor in a poor country but I really loved my inspiron 14 …I bough it back in 2011 and decided to buy a new dell laptop in 2019 (inspiron too) because the 14R had died and the tech guy said it was the motherboard. I’ve never had any issues with them …the 14R is all plastic and looks fragile but I dropped it some times and it never broke. The new inspiron I got has an aluminum structure so looks it handles more falls hahaha. Anyway, I had a great experience with dell inspiron laptops regarding hardware and Linux compatibility but I’m not a demanding user. I intend to keep buying dell laptops in the future. Hey turns out the 14R just needed a new power supply and it’s running Fedora smoothly since I upgraded it’s ram.
I have the exact same netbook and specs and I installed fedora lxde a couple months ago just to see how it would go and…it’s pretty decent performance if you use it just to browse the web or text editing… Installed vscodium and it got laggy as hell though … Had to use geany instead
Back in the day I had the idea to install Debian, but then for some reason I added a bunch of Ubuntu and other debian version sources in the sources.list to install some program I wanted … Can’t remember what happened but I do remember having to install the OS again … Ubuntu this time
Yeah I quit Ubuntu after 12 years but I still recommend it for people trying to change OS …it’s great OS
I had this issue when I bought my laptop with Ubuntu and tried to install Debian. Since I needed the laptop right away I kept Ubuntu that came installed that was running flawless till 4 months ago when I switched to Fedora
Yeah I bought an ubuntu laptop in 2018…don’t know what’s the news here…
I’ve used organic maps for a while but had a problem in a trip I had to arrive on time and there was a change in the road that wasn’t in open street maps that almost caused me losing a test I had so when I really need to make it I choose Waze lately. And I live in a big city where traffic info is a must so I’m using less of organic maps because of that…Waze gets me off heavy traffic while organic maps doesn’t show arriving time correctly so…great alternative but not that reliable about traffic info depending on your needs
Wow I have this book on kindle …I’ll check if its still there
Yeah or you pay with your data or you pay with your money and they still steal your data like YouTube premium and etc
I’m part of that community 🤩
The Wako Siege is a good one about the US too…
Sorry,I had just waken up and my lemmy app (jerboa) is terrible when erasing words…got some punctuation erased.
Retiring doesn’t seem like an option from my perspective… Better start gaming now
Last time I tried aws, took me like four hours to figure that I had to borrow another IP address (different than the ip I received when created the instance) in order point it at my domain. Took me a long time find that option in the menu too
Edit:added cohesion and some punctuation.
I open developer tools every day doing that!
You’re right… But I don’t have an ssd in my machine and didn’t want tons of mounted filesystems in my 10 year old machine…I’m far from an expert but seems to me that is simpler to have all my packages from dnf or apt …I’ve changed to fedora because dnf seemed better than apt resolving dependencies …not just because of the snap thing
Sure…I wouldnt choose fedora for a server…maybe RHEL…I chose debian for my home server…can’t go wrong with debian in the server 😅
That’s why I moved to fedora recently…didn’t like to see 30 or so mounted filesystems every time I did an fdisk -l to mount some disk
Wow people still use conky! Last time I tried using it, Linux was in kernel 2.6.