And I would prefer the manager is catching their staff’s errors before they make it to the customer instead of making me do QA, but we can both only dream of a better world.
I’m also pretty convinced this was an intentional cost-saving move, given the rest of the food. Either way, I just won’t be back a second time.
Extremists Jews have become what they swore to destroy. The holocaust was the core justification for the creation of Israel, and while I never expected peace in the Middle East, I didn’t expect them to start committing the same atrocities within living memory while using the same fertile land propaganda metaphors.
The UN fucked up hard when it formed the country and the Security Council voting system needs to be reformed based on this awful lesson. The world is less safe than ever, and nuclear weapon proliferation is accelerating rapidly, so the UN SC is just not achieving their own goals either.
This is what a failing civilization and species looks like and I’m not enjoying being on the sinking ship. Happy new year.