Its like when I see a sponge, wet or dry, I get the sponge thing in my tongue. I don’t like touching it. Yuk. Our brains are powerful organs. *no clue if they’re organs but I totally sound smart 😛
Haha I too get a dirty taste in my mouth when i have to use reddit.
Filen is not secure enough. Follow discussion here https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/is-filen-io-not-secure-enough/14874
haha I like to wait for more replies before I start to comment. tx 4 input.
ty u all for the info. now i know 👍
black box what?? we don’t have such nonsense here. why is there a black box in a car? is it a cheaper insurance thing or a government thing? every car now needs one?
I tried running Alba from ovagames via flatpak bottles and it didn’t work/load 😭 it is on a laptop w open source drivers not the nvidia driver🤷 but I assume it should load something 🤷 maybe i try ur way op🤷
laughs in MPV ‘url’
what if u keep them disabled and only enable when need them? i assume it’s OK. 🤷 sometimes u need other extensions.
I gave brave search 2 goes over some years apart. everytime I get a captcha I said f u brave. duckduck not a single captcha.
I just have a keybind to open file manager of the app images 🤷