May i suggest a technique for remembering the password?
write it down
but instead of writing down the password, write down questions that only you can reasonably answer. For example:
and the answer would be: “mary beach rodeo” or idk what. this way, you construct a password out of multiple words that each are an answer to a simple question.
Only encrypt the home partition, for the root partition it just unnecessarily slows down the system.
Also, I think, there could be different approaches instead of encryption. AFAIK, android doesn’t use encryption underneath, but uses a semi-closed bootloader (which means, if you install a different OS, all user data gets wiped). I’m currently investigating the feasibility of such an approach in the long term.
oh come on
people are in denial that their way of life - getting paid for intellectual output - is coming to an end. it’s not the case that AI just produces slop. surely it does but so do a lot of humans. you know all the memes about human workers having imposter syndrome - feeling as if they don’t even really know what they’re doing? AI only has to produce higher quality output than them. and it definitely can.
the reason why people shit on AI so hard is because they’re afraid - afraid that AI will “out-compete” them. in that sense, you could also call it “jealous”, like a woman fears she’s replaced by another woman.
people need to respect themselves and others enough to agree to survive - and thrive, even - in the absence of a productive output. in other words, only if you can allow your fellow humans a living income without work, you are truly in a position where you can live comfortably in the future.
I’m out of the loop.
What exactly did Snowden show us?
thank you, that actually makes sense to me
new preoccupation
Also, this is very certainly a strategy to distract from internal problems.
I’m highly excited about this development!
We can’t have open software on opaque hardware. The hardware must be transparent.
California has wildfires every other year, so that’s not that much of a surprise to me.
Also known as Dirac Delta Distribution.
what is this, if i may ask?
I honestly unironically support it. Lots of people should go touch some grass sometimes. It gives you some movement, builds an understanding for where our food “really comes from”, and connects people in a way similar to the military, but less targeted on warfare.
wo:mankind FTFY
but serious answer: no. if humanity sources all its electricity through solar panels, these solar panels would cover <1% (IIRC) of earth’s surface area, so the effect would be negligible.
I understand that nobody wants to be a teacher,
Well actually that’s not true. There’s a lot of people who are willing to put up with younger people/inexperienced people, but these people have difficulty too because of … reasons.
I think it’s because people are overworked. No time for love, no time for friendship, sometimes not even enough time to take care of yourself properly.
If i may ask - what does “consume media critically” mean?
How is the process description for that? I’m genuinely interested. I see the word “critical thinking” thrown around a lot but it was never explained to me even in the slightest bit. What does it entail?
I wouldn’t just say “all are biased”.
Some just outright make things up. (looking at you, Fox News entertainment)
Most news organizations either are paid by the government or by some corporate stockholders (usually the rich).
It’s difficult to find unbiased news sources. There are some smaller ones, which are paid by private donations, but they often have inferior quality due to … appealing mostly to 18-y/o women who want “to make a change” and stuff (my opinion)
long story short, finding factual news sources is extremely difficult and i’ve basically given up on it. i can study physics to understand what is plausible and what is not, but i have no way to decide whether reporting on far-away events is biased or how much.
also known as philosophy