Using the duress password could potentially be charged as destruction of evidence. If you can refuse to enter a password long enough for it to auto wipe before a judge orders you to unlock it you could avoid the danger of legal consequences. No destruction of evidence and no contempt of court.
Been using it for a while and it’s great.
Next up: auto wipe device after x days of no authentication.
I put mint on a separate drive over the weekend. My two outstanding issues are my already-niche pieces of hardware. My KVM doesn’t pass USB devices to my other device for some reason. I’m reasonably confident I can figure that one out. My other issue is my HID NFC reader for my Yubikey. No official driver for Linux so I expect that one to be more tricky, though I’d appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction.
I’ve just made it to that scene and I feel like I owe you a very hardy fuck you for recommending this gloriously weird book. Guess i’ll update when I’ve finished a chapter or two.
Used bookstores smell better.
Alright, I’m prepared to take some heat for this because in the context of the best organized protests I think my assumptions are incorrect. However most protests don’t rise to that level. Thing is if your protest looks for the most part like a party with some political alignments and isn’t related to some direct action in your community or actual expectations/demands of the relevant political body…
Not to say that “performative” protests are useless. But there seems to be a distressing number of my fellow gen Z that think these sorts of protests alone will work. Like all they need to do is yell loudly into a few news network cameras on capital hill then go home.
I’ll probably see what’s going on in my home state and hope to see some targeted action and real dialogue. I truly hope my assumptions are proven wrong.
I despise the marketing of these eink-like screens. None of the biggest benefits of eink with all of the biggest drawbacks? The fuck?
Oh, look: the NSA dangling a carrot on a line.
deleted by creator
I had to put my cat down first thing this morning. I’ve come to terms with it but am distracting myself from the need to go home and clean up his things.
Hijacking this to plug contributing to OSM. Improving your local area is very rewarding and can pair well with some youtube binging. Take a look at your city and see if there are things you’re interested in working on.
I recently picked up a pixel 7a on ebay. $200 for like new condition. Probably the current sweet spot for value and remaining years of support.
This is a tough one, but if you look carefully in the bottom right you’ll see a nope rope.
You should read Walkaway by Cory Doctorow. I think you’ll like it.
5 years? Through a quirk of covid I’m set to have my 15 year old face on my ID till I’m 29.
Matrix? Are we going by volume or need? Cause i’m pretty sure they could use more funding.
Meta will play damage control and introduce a feature which might help a little for a few weeks. There are other options on the table internally which might actually have a meaningful effect, but they would significantly pull down engagement so…
Which makes even more sense when you ask “where does the fat go?”
Well where did that carbon you just exhaled come from?