I’m just picturing a cheese ad with happy people frolicking with robotic smiles with this information in a fast voice over like an American drug commercial
“In which hole sir”
That depends. How rich is the victim in your scenario?
My read into this is that Pine is so good it’s listed twice.
$4.99 for the drive plus $399.00 s&h
If they could profit from it they might
Something something big pharma…
without any of the responsibility
Or expense
Which relative is on the track and which in the trolley?
Doom scrolling will do that to you
So if your immune system is attacking your pancreas but you are still producing some insulin then you actually have type 2?
Type 1 specifically refers to when the body attacks the insulin producing cells. Not necessarily that it’s producing none or not enough, even if that’s the way we’re accustomed to thinking about the distinction.
The difference between 1 and 2 is the reason your body doesn’t produce enough, not how much it produces.
If it’s diabetes, type 2 is where your body doesn’t produce enough insulin. Usually because it’s not absorbing or diminished production capacity.
Type 3 is where sugars don’t pass the blood brain barrier thus starving your brain of nutrients. The symptoms look like alzheimer’s, so it’s usually diagnosed post mortem.
I’m almost certain the artist intended for this to happen. It made headlines so I would call that successful.
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Eggs are an ingredient for most types of cake