Yeah because its just Chromium which isn’t an awful open source browser developed and maintained by Google.
KnowYourMeme has some basic info
don’t forget that NOT doing something can also be aid and comfort, when you for example actively DO NOT send federal troops to put down an obviously active attack on the government (which included violence against federal police) or by NOT immediately calling for those actions to cease.
I never stopped using RSS but its always been an additional source not the sole source of info for me. A lot of folks I’ve followed on various social media or who write for online mags have a personal site where they post long-form stuff. RSS is great if you want to just get a list of those authors latest posts and you don’t want to sort through thousands of other stories to find them.
Personally I like using the Livemarks add-on in Firefox because I’m already in the browser anyway and I can manage those bookmarks using the standard bookmarks manager to keep them in any organizational structure I find convenient. Here’s the github page but you can search for it in Firefox Add-ons as well:
In a 2019 hearing scrutinizing the merger, Legere told the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology that after combining with Sprint, T-Mobile would have thousands more employees than the stand-alone firms combined in its first year.
“By 2024 we will have 11,000 more employees,” Legere said, according to a transcript of the hearing.
“Our critics are wrong about the impact on jobs,” Legere added, responding to a skeptical analysis from the Communications Workers of America labor union. “I have looked at their arguments and supposed analyses and they do not make sense. They ignore the facts. They don’t account for any areas where jobs will grow, like network integration or new customer call care centers.”
Your personal security concerns are valid but every company is different, and it seems most people don’t work at a firm their whole lives anymore so there is less trust and less loyalty and decency, really. In my case the wifi given to employees for their personal phones is totally segregated from the work LAN so while it is definitely monitored and protected in the same way, its far less of a concern for company security. It is also throttled so watching videos is almost impossible, it blocks a hoard of malicious stuff (which makes using it safer for the user than when they leave), and many of those using it are on cheap limited plans so they might not be able to leave their comms open to their family or check the location of their kids during the workday, or even get updates otherwise. Many use it to stream radio stations or listen to podcasts usually into earbuds. Properly classified porn sites, etc. are blocked. However, I recently heard there will be changes imposed on us from above and all these users may soon be kicked off this wifi entirely. Managers and office workers will certainly be still allowed to use it but the people who really need it? I guess they are SOL.
The company firewall very likely is using a “content filtering” function which for Sonicwall, for example, is a subscription service where the admin can select any number of “categories” of content to block. I found was being blocked because Sonicwall had that domain categorized as “gaming” which was disallowed. I reported the error to Sonicwall that it should be “social media” but haven’t heard back (it takes a while) but some companies might block that category also. In short, it might not be blocked because of any positive action by your company but instead by accident because whoever first classified the site didn’t understand what it was.
Setting up an old PC with linux and just not installing a GUI as already suggested might be a fun project to do together and exploring various command line programs (maybe ncurses based programs like mc, ncdu, etc.) and I just read about a cute text adventure called bashcrawl which teaches unix commands as you play (“cd” into a room, “ls” to show the items there, etc.). There are so many bash programs (and games) like gnugo and chess that are interactive but without a GUI. Here was where I read about bashcrawl (I haven’t tried this myself):
baconreader for me
The add-on I linked is written and maintained by Mozilla and was updated as recently as Jul 6 of this year. The blog post you linked to is from 2021. If it wasn’t doing something more it seems like Mozilla would be wasting their time. I do admit to being too ignorant about everything it is doing and thats on me, so if anything your post has made me want to know more. Here’s the repo where it is being developed:
Seems like a great time to mention the Firefox Facebook Container add-on!
Livemarks Add-on for Firefox since I spend most of my time in the browser anyway.
mod tools seem fairly limited at present but I found this page describing what you can do now: I’m still mulling over what niche I can fill myself - only just got here lol
replied to the wrong person sorry
My suggestion is to find some older laptop that nobody wants anymore and put linux on that. Dual booting is more PITA than its worth to just try it out, and you’ll probably run into issues with the clock which will make you frustrated. Also, having another working machine that you can look stuff up in real time while you work through issues is gonna be key. Def approach linux on the desktop as a challenge / puzzle and you will be accidentally and painlessly learning everything you need to one day be a sysadmin lol
deleted by creator
Sounds like opportunity knocking to me. Why not start the communities you want to see here then they will already exist when others show up, and of course you will be the OG. Its a commitment I’m not gonna lie. edit: I see it seems you know this and are keeping reddit to help create a path, sorry. Leaving the post for others tho.
Musk here is using the Tucker Carlson technique of “just asking questions”. An answer is easily found. “Robinson” (not his real name) is in jail for 18 months because he committed crimes, admitted to them in court, and was found guilty of them in a court of law. Hardly tyranny.