Wind has many sources from a meteorological/climatological standpoint. Breaking wind, however, is a biiiiit more specific.
Teacher. Math/Sci/Pol nerd. Recovering IT worker. Former owner of clothing not covered in cat hair.
Also @keet
Wind has many sources from a meteorological/climatological standpoint. Breaking wind, however, is a biiiiit more specific.
Looks like an awesome idea…until your nose begins to itch…
Of course DeSantis supports the third senator from his state.
Tubberville no longer lives or does business in Alabama. How so many of my fellow citizens saw this guy and voted for him over Doug Jones I’ll never understand…or forgive.
A RPi option is likely your best bet. I’m currently building my own setup using MotionEye and a few Pi Zeros. I’ll be looking into different software since Motioneye is no longer updated though. Just FYI, I’d avoid the v3 camera module for now, as a lot of software doesn’t support it yet and it can’t use the legacy camera stack.
Roasted, placed in a freezer, and ready to be ground up later?
Dealing with a landlord is just like dealing with HR at work - they aren’t there for YOU. The tenant here wasn’t stupid, just naive. Besides, from a liability standpoint, a tenant should NEVER do any property upgrades or repairs without some kind of written agreement (and hopefuly waiver of liability). If something goes wrong, guess who will be on the hook financially when it goes to court? Hint: The landlord turned plaintiff won’t be it…
If you don’t already have a raspberry pi, get a pi zero W and put dietpi on it. You configure the wireless settings via text file once you etch the SD card. You don’t need a monitor. Personally, I set it up, looked at what DHCP address it had, and told my router to reserve that address. You can ssh into it to install pihole on the headless installation.
On a slightly less satire-y level, I enjoy using when discussing sportsball. Loads quick, without a lot of nonsense. It is quite hilarious how long it takes for someone to load up and find up to date info on, say, espn or the local newsstaion site.
Good. WEI is a bad proposal for many reasons. I still can’t fathom why so many browsers use Chromium as their base nowadays though.
On another note, what is up with the thumbnail image for this article? The article doesn’t mention anything about Alabama’s awful attorney general. Hmmm…
Republicans have been against Medicare since the Johnson administration. Reagan railed against it too early in his political career. This isn’t new. Arguments against it now are still just as dumb as they were in the 60s.
AI shouldn’t be involved in hiring or firing decisions as it can’t be held accountable in the same way a human can. Yes, it is more efficient. But equity, not efficiency, should be the goal.
Bush “Wins”