Nah let us back in
Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.
The problem with the modern media is that they frame everything in the context of money. Thus they ignore that the Britons joined just for the economy. They are a staunchly capitalist country that never managed to fit within the EU spirit. They kept resisting the integration and asking opt-outs for every initiative. During the exit process they acted as spoilt children, they absorbed all the attention and time of the European council and brought all the other activities nearly to a standstill. All of that tedious process ended up with a partial exit, the UK is still standing on the edge with one foot in and another out.
At this point I think that the best thing to do to stop crying over the spilled milk and do not even dare to think to come back, it would be just a pain for everybody.
A real AI would have explained you that with great probability a room temperature (and atmospheric pressure) superconductor is not possible.
Few experiments were successful with small grains tested under enormous pressures. But apart from that a room temperature superconductor is unlikely due to the high entropy.
No memory of your own? Already reprogrammed?
The protest were widely reported back then.