Idk about the writers, but the accountants did if you remember Wil Wheaton’s ‘raise’ lol.
Idk about the writers, but the accountants did if you remember Wil Wheaton’s ‘raise’ lol.
If your self-served stuff is just for you or family, I use tailscale for that. Nothing publicly enabled, have to be in the tailscale net to access.
Nintendo owns a large part at least. I didn’t about it that way. Also didn’t know there were DK Legos!
That’s what I wish for Pokémon. Highest grossing franchise in the world, works with knock-off legos.
That Enterprise shaming…
If our consciousness is just a series of electrical impulses, as long as the transporter keot those impulses intact, makes sense that we would still be us at the other end. But I’d think nearly any transporter accident would kill the person being transported since it would mess that up.
Basically exactly what I was going to say. Like what is the harm in contaminating them when the alternative is non-existence?
Always need more Pike!
I must have really zoned out toward the end of Discovery because I thought it was over long ago.
Well, considering there are still people in wheelchairs in Star Trek, guess I’d still be in one.
I like the inclusion (in the show), but I would hope that paralysis was cured that far in the future.