Hi, I though about https://linkwarden.app/
I never tried it, but at some point I will! :)
Hi, I though about https://linkwarden.app/
I never tried it, but at some point I will! :)
You resumed very well the triangle.
My dream is to build an app/service which is easy to use as Signal but compatble with matrix and xmmp.
Oh. I see!
Thank you 😊
It’s only the groups that’s choose to be public.
You have to configure it for that.
Matrix is perfect for private and personal communication too.
With a 70% quality jpg, you lose the ability to crop, edit or blow up your images. It basically limits you to looking at them on a screen.
I don’t understand what you mean! 🧐
If I have a 70% quality jpeg, I can open it in Gimp and crop, edit or blow up (a bit) the image.
I like the preamble part very much 👏🙂
Yes, a lot!!!
I mean, it depends of the context probably.
I’m using Partisan SMS
Can you use it without encryption as regular sms app ?
I hope too! 🙏
If you are concerned by privacy you should not use Google Messages because every messages passed through the Google server.
And it’s not open source.
For my point of view it’s too much to use it. :)
I think it’s a good move.
What do you think about it guys?
I love how it’s focused on stabilty in UI/UX and that it’s supported by a lots of peoples around the world.
And you can find some server here : https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/wiki/Sites-That-Run-Etherpad
I just discover https://puri.sm/products/librem-11/ and it looks great !
Not sure if it feat every point, specially the german keyboard ?!
That’s right but you cannot create a conversation between you and a guy with xmpp and another one with matrix.
That’s my question. :)
Hi :) yes I did. And I tried. 🙂
It’s a great multi protocol app. But you cannot chat in the same conversation with two different protocol. :/
And there is no xmpp support.
Even for the matrix federation it was possible only with the desktop app.
So that’s not that I looking for.
That’s right, but it’s not activated by default. And it’s not easy at all.
I tried for myself but that require that I configure bridge for the server, then for each room, with some strange /command
I have to remember.
When I think of a service I mean a service that anyone can use, even the no tech guys.
It’s nice that it’s technically possible, though! :)
The biggest part of the question is more a UI/UX question then a technical one actually.
Thank you :)
That sounds not so complex for me.
But I think of no-technical guys and I think that create a channel and share the link is already to complex! I mean, I can teach them that, but that’s not obvious as Signal or similar app.
Kate with orgmode work well out of the box without all that trick, but miss some great features!!
Now I must try what he wrote!!! ^^