If I was American I’d be so embarrassed
Nothing to see here
If I was American I’d be so embarrassed
What a cunt
Englishman here. I can only apologise for the sheer stupidity of my fellow countrymen. Brexit was such an own fucking goal and the morons will never admit it. If Cameron really had to put it to a vote he could have required a super-majority on account of how economically devastating leaving would be. But no, a slim majority is good enough to fuck over us all for generations to come.
And Trump. Good god. The country that sells itself as a beacon of democracy has happily voted in a crook. Someone who fomented an insurrection attempt, hid top secret documents in his shower while foreign agents roamed freely around and lied about it! Like, actual treason. But I’m not sure what’s worse, the orange shit head or the people and system that not only have allowed him to get away with it all but have actually fucking promoted it. Fucking depressing.
So, a half remembered Radiolab episode or maybe it was 99% Invisible talked about this. If I remember rightly they did consider changing it because it was so much quicker and easier typing in English and Chinese character set takes up a lot of storage which was a big deal in early computers. Until someone figured they could break down all the Chinese characters into a much smaller selection of base shapes. So you could make a character by pressing a small selection of keys. So it meant a much more manageable keyboard. I think it’s even resulted in quick Chinese typists being faster than English ones.
Supreme Court.
Every day Trump walks free has been sad proof of that
Like consent even comes into it
What a stupid response
What a piece of shit
I teleported home one day, With Ron and Sid and Meg.
Ron stole Meggies heart away, And I got Sidney’s leg.
But you will at least have an outlet if you get yourself a partner or hire an escort. There’s the prospect of sex in real life. You’re not forever limited to porn.
Because eventually looking at images might not be enough
Edit: Do we want to be normalising this? It’s disturbing how there’s people defending it.
Damn. Guess that went over my head
The wife and I are loving SNW. Particularly in relation to Discovery. I could have done without the singing in the latest but I can still appreciate what they’re doing, I just don’t like musicals. And you’re right, the original series was often goofy as hell.
Lying liar lies. Who’da thunk it