You could fit a whole smartphone inside one of the later ones with the buttons that would leave marks on your face
Because we don’t have those nice thick hard plastic handles to rest on your shoulder
So if I’m reading this correctly, is this an open-source alternative to GitHub copilot that runs locally using Ollama?
How do I leave AWS?
I use S3, EC2, SNS (or whatever they call it now), email, cloudfront
I want the same fast servers and CDN. I can probably pay someone else for email and sms services
It doesn’t have keyword filters or at least I can’t find them.
For iOS, this one doesn’t collect any data. It’s pretty barebones, but also free. It nags you a bunch at first but eventually stopped
Now if he would just remove the French localization
It was no accident. Someone was at fault, probably the traffic engineer
I moved from AWS to DO. Definitely cheaper, easier for my setup. Monthly fees less and no reserved instance BS