Not having covectivity results in not having access to the menu.
I really don’t want to be messing with my phone figuring out their wifi, if even available, which might have terms I would have to agree to to use.
Not having covectivity results in not having access to the menu.
I really don’t want to be messing with my phone figuring out their wifi, if even available, which might have terms I would have to agree to to use.
I don’t like starting my drive on a low-note of backing up out from a parking spot, anxious I will accidentally scrape a vehicle or bonk the curb or whatever may it be. Ending the drive by backing into the parking space means next time I leave I’ll start by driving forward to pull out.
I started using the first letter of the thing I am iterating over. This is particularly helpful with nested loops so I can easily remember which index variable corresponds to which thing.
How much salt would you recommend for a normal sized pot?
A few features I would love to see:
A way to view groups of multiple communities in a single feed. Like a multicommunity. A workaround right now is to have multiple accounts, which is less than ideal.
A way to view content from multiple accounts in a single feed. Like a universal feed.
An easier way to have the same settings apply to multiple accounts.
A way to block instances or communities.