How is battery life compared to Mac os?
I mean this is what a proper distro loooks like. Tailoring another distro for a true, specific purpose. Kudos to the team.
There are free alternatives like FRP and Rathole.
Rathole is similar but allegedly performs better.
Persepolis Motrix Axel
I recentry tried an M2 Air and was just amazed how lightweight it was.
Why should I use this over Android Messages? I use the messages web version on my laptop.
You mean Cockpit?
I always have a sweet spot for KDE 3.5. I remember how responsive and tast it was on my Pentium PC some 15 years ago.
Wow they even offer the Trinity DE :) thanks
Google’s Rubik and IBM Plex Sans are my favorites.
Raspberry Pi Desktop does have an x86 version.
Can I run regular browsers on Puppy? Or have to use their own apps only?
Thanks. I’ve already added an ssd drive and upgraded tge ram from 3 to 4gb. Another comment mentioned Icewm so I’m definitely giving it a try.
It is, and i guess it’s now based on Denian.
Wasn’t this fixed finally a while ago? I swear i read somewhere it was.
Speech Note for PC. FUTO for Android.
Thanks, I didn’t know that.