• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2020


  • AI has been paying of for decades, it is used in all industries for appropriate tasks.

    Now it is even better we are doing stuff no one thought it could be possible and advancing our work.

    Perfect use case is for things that are simple to do but take too much time to be economical for humans (ex. counting products, plants, trees, cars, disease detection…) and using additional data to make better decisions.

    Generative AI (for writing text, coding,… ) is of course no where close to being useful, but it can interesting to try. It is just a toy, expensive one, but still a toy.

  • Years ago when I would go to have a job interview and if wouldn’t see any sofas I would ask manager: “Do you even work at this company at all? You obviously don’t get tired or you would have sofas for quick rest.” They would get embarrassed every time.

  • Since it is paywalled I can only guess from the title.

    I don’t understand the problem. He was payed for reading books and now we all have his voice. What did he expect?

    Is there an AI imitating his voice making money? Is it being represented with his name? If not, what would be the difference with some person imitating his voice, whould that be stealing too?

    Basically I don’t see any problem with me buying those books training local model and give it other books to read. That can not be illegal, right?

    Giving it to other people mentioning his name would definitely be fraud. But stealing? I don’t know.

    Selling it to other people under other name… I don’t see a problem.

    But than we come to AI generated images and I do start thinking in that way. Thou if they can find someone that looks like him, and other person sounding like him… they are all good?