Vimeo seems to have a different demographic in mind.
Vimeo seems to have a different demographic in mind.
Can you be more specific when you say “plays videos”?
Like in vlc, or YouTube, or something else? What videos? Like, 4k hevc videos, or literally anything?
If you are getting actual hardware/sata errors on the host (not sure if that’s exactly what’s happening from your description), and multiple drives have had a similar problem, I’d suspect the sata cable or controller/mobo. Intel had a lot of weird sata issues on their older chipsets, so I’d also recommend making sure it has the latest bios update. Could you be more specific on what kind of hardware errors are showing up? Like, maybe parts of the logs.
The site has plenty of good content, just no way to find it.
I’m trying to move in this direction. I used to use Amazon mostly out of convenience and because they could get uncommon, hard to find stuff to me within 2 days when buying anywhere else would take 1-2 weeks. Now that they regularly fail to even get stuff to me when they say they will, and they are as generally evil as they are, I’m trying to get into the habit of buying from anywhere else.
I know ebay is fairly evil too, but I try to buy them from them if I need something oddly specific. If not, I go local.
I avoid “next day” shipping because it seems like every time I choose it, they mess it up and it takes 3-4 days due to some unnamed “problem”.
Still no html composing, right? It would be a serious contender for many people if it just had that feature… Even though, from my experience, most personal email doesn’t really use html…
I agree. I’m very grateful to OSS developers. I use almost exclusively OSS software every day at this point, and it wouldn’t be possible without the countless people devoting countless hours of their valuable time to these projects.
So, a question to devs, especially for smaller, more approachable projects: I have a minor (plus a bit more) in CS, a lifetime of casual coding, but never really built anything larger-scale than a C-based sh-like shell in one of my CS courses, or many years ago an IRC front-end for a chatbot engine. Mostly I just write scripts (sometimes kinda complex), or small C/C++ projects. I would try to contribute to a project directly, but I don’t want to step on toes, and most projects have people who are deeply intertwined in the code of the project. It feels impossible to get involved in any way other than testing without possibly just annoying people who have been doing it for years. I’ve known enough intimidating grizzled *nix guru people to make me paranoid that I’ll just get in the way.
How do you get a foothold in a project? Should I just start with creating my own OSS project, and once I get somewhere where I’m familiar with the flow and project management and such, then I can consider contributing more to other projects?
Or is it really more helpful to the community to just test stuff, create documentation, answer questions, etc? Would becoming another dev be more helpful to OSS, or would working on supporting projects in these other ways be more helpful?
It’s a little more than that, but not much more. It installs common packages that someone might need for a functioning GUI and has some helpers specific to EndeavourOS installed as well. It basically makes it trivial to install “Arch”.
Only significant issue that I’ve had with EndeavourOS/Arch is when I had a laptop with it installed and didn’t update for like 6 months because I rarely needed it. When I went to do a full update, it really messed multiple things up. There were just too many massive changes at once. I just shrugged and reinstalled with the newest ISO, but if I had heavily customized it or something, I would have been pretty annoyed. Ever since then I usually install it with BTRFS and auto pacman snapshots.
Also, never perform partial upgrades unless you know what you are doing. That’s apparently the fastest way to mess things up. I played with this before and it definitely will break things.
You really should. It can save your butt, and it’s only a few shell commands.
Also easy to install with auto btrfs snapshots so that updates can never really break anything.
Mpv is a good engine, but I prefer something like smplayer+mpv for all the extra functionality. I also like that VLC has tons of features, like full file/codec info and stats. I know there are other ways to get that info, but it’s very easy in vlc.
Have you tried kdenlive? If so, how would you say they compare?
Huh… Always just piped the history command through grep
What would you say are your favorite peertube apps?
For anyone who wants it: https://github.com/erkserkserks/openboard
No. Worked for a facility that did lethality testing on various animals for potential drugs. I recognize the need for such things, but it wore on me until I had to quit.
North America? You need this: https://github.com/pnoll1/osmand_map_creation/releases
Have you tried a running a different distro live f/usb or something like that? Doesn’t seem likely that it would help, but who knows…
It’s unlikely the kernel or other low-level code is the problem on 10 year old Intel hardware, though. I’ve run numerous distros on numerous different machines, many of which were Intel-based, over the last couple decades, and never had this kind of basic, low-level problem with SATA before without it being the cable or controller. Oh, I just remembered: check the PSU as well if you can. A faulty PSU could have a bad rail or wire or something that leads to these problems. If you have a known-good one lying around, depending on the motherboard, you could try temporarily hooking it up to the board and drive and see if it changes anything.
To eliminate Linux as a potential culprit, you could try to install Windows (7, 8, 10, whatever) and see if it exhibits similar problems.