Love me the 1bit color scheme
Love me the 1bit color scheme
Good old drawbridge
School: buy a cheap used laptop and use that instead
Abusive Partner: idk bottle of bleach or sth
see python:
yep, day day ruined
Finally I can schedule my 12 Linkedin posts a week about how everyone but me is a lazy pos for working less than 70 hours all at once and concentrate on the grind during the week
Keep in mind that while FOSS is doing well against MITM attacks it often falls short against MATE attackers. Whitebox crypto, obfuscation, integrity checks etc. are widely used to keep malware and malicious users from fucking with your binaries, extracting keys etc. They really don’t want to leave it to their users to keep their candy crush clone riddled shitboxes secure
My neural-ass brain smells pattern
In the end you can always just encrypt the illegal stuff externally before giving it to them…
put it in their hand and say “here you go”
tried to go local but the apps are shitty
die-hard poweramp fan here but idk if it also exists for ios
There go eight seconds of my life that i’m not getting back; thanks huffpost
Don’t do it for security reasons. Do it because you can😎
I know one about a Ford Focus or a 2001 Honda Civic
sorry op beats you by roughly 2000 years…
Absolutely It’s really nice how this affects the tech related serious communities but damn is it heartbreaking how bad the memes here are
God I’d love to implement a lemmy instance as a byzantine fault tolerant distributed system… Anyone wanna lend me a working brain?
SPD as a junior Partner to the Union has a history of just allowing them to do whatever they want