Jesus, it’s like they want you to order online from a third party instead of paying them.
Jesus, it’s like they want you to order online from a third party instead of paying them.
The argument I keep seeing against fast food being too expensive is “use the app! It’s cheaper”. Fuck that. I bought frozen junk food and an air fryer. McDonald’s can keep their 15$ meals*
*Disclaimer that I don’t actually know how much a meal is these days, but I know it’s gone way up. Also, I do still buy from McD when I need to shit out a hangover. Sue me.
Agreed! The look on her face sells the joke
How is this upvoted? Didn’t the US go in there, destabilize everything, then just pull out, leaving a power void for the Taliban to waltz in and seize?
Because no one agreed to pay that when they were ordering. Imagine being a on budget for a night out and getting this extra charge outta nowhere
What if we were finally able to get insurance companies out of healthcare in the US? Thousands would lose their jobs, but millions would suddenly be able to get care. So much money would be saved, but so many people would suddenly be out of work.
I don’t know about you, but I hate paying several hundred dollars a month (and 100s or 1000s if I actually get care) to prop up a whole ass middleman between me and my care.
Anyway, my point is we can’t keep old systems only for the sake of preserving jobs. The guy you’re replying to is short sighted and relying too heavily on a language imitation program, but he’s essentially right about not keeping jobs just because.
You admit that you’re posting what are essentially lies in order to attract conservatives? Y’all really are just saying the quiet part out loud.
I’m not reading all that. Is it really a whole ass thing and not something simple like “he scooped pudding into his dumb face with his sausage fingers instead of using a spoon”
She loves sports, she loves broccoli
Is there an instruction manual on blocking/adding communities? I’m on Sync
Oof I forgot about motor sports. IMO even more boring than ball sports.
Which I didn’t think was possible, but I forgot about motor/wheel sports existence
Where’s the line drawn tho? So many things can be classified as politics
You don’t think it’s weird that they’ve been wasting so much energy on this and nothing has come out?
And all the Trump kids
… States rights to do what?
You have to admit the language used in your last paragraph is pretty telling
Do you have a word or words that you’ve said more times than any other during the past few years? Because I do, and it’s “I’m so glad I never had kids”
I get that we need more people raising children on purpose to help guide them into being productive* members of society, but I’m not trying to subject my kids to that. So sorry, y’all on your own. I’ll keep voting for schools and shit.
*Productive as in a decent person, not productive for an employer or church or something
This is the formula the right wingers use and it’s obviously effective.
This is the way
Grocery shopping and food prep is always an option. Cheaper and healthier too.
If you have time to browse Lemmy, you got time to throw some shit in an air fryer/insta pot/slow cooker.