It’s the US, I recognize the city, so midwest, I’m not too far away from there and we’ve had about the same temp and rain all day long.
It’s the US, I recognize the city, so midwest, I’m not too far away from there and we’ve had about the same temp and rain all day long.
The first thing I thought of was the Trump crap, like is this guy just going to be the first one ousted then there is precedence for Trump to be ousted as well?
Honestly, when I got my first Ubuntu install disk and got everything up and running, it was the default browser. I just never looked back.
My Mom used to date a KC firefighter that got caught in the park with hookers and blow…I wish I could make this stuff up. My husband thinks it’s hilarious 😂
Or Instanbul
I didn’t know which post to reply to, so here goes: with one as (select top 1 field1, replace(field2_html,‘’‘"]|([‘’"]).?\1)*>’, ‘’) as comments_html, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8 from tablea where comments_html !=’ '),
two as
(select field1, field2 as html_clean, charindex(‘<’,field2_html) as a, charindex(‘>’,field2_html) as b, field3, field4, field5, fied6, field7, field8
from one)
select * into #temp8 from two
create table #RUdestinationtable (field1 int, comments_2 varchar(max), field3 varchar(300), field4 varchar(50), field5 varchar(300), field6 varchar(300), field7 varchar(300), field8 varchar(150))
while (select count(1) from #temp8 where substring(html_clean,a,b) is not null)>0 begin insert into #RUdestinationtable select distinct field1,replace(html_clean, substring(html_clean,a,b),‘’) as comments_2,field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8 from #temp8 end
select * fromRUdestinationtable
I still can’t get to anything that has been linked to
Idk, Trump has just seemed…different, he seems to rally a user base that just didn’t seem to exist before. It’s scary to me how he can drum up the support he has.
Ubuntu, I wanted to go Debian but the installation wanted an ethternert connection to get that accomplished and I didn’t know that/think that far ahead