So is that twitter, or some other site?
So is that twitter, or some other site?
I’m starting to wonder how many of us have long term issues, or that issues that might get worse because of prior covid infections. I’m not sure if we have ever fully recovered our sense of smell and taste.
My wife became sensitive/allergic to both dairy and soy since being infected last winter, even fully vaccinated at the time, though likely during the least effective period of our vaccines.
Anyone who claims to be a fiscal conservative, should have left after Bush Jr fucked up the economy and deficit so royally we’re still dealing with it.
Where are the data hoarders when you need them?
Don’t forget the retirees that rely on the stock prices dividend payouts in their 401ks.
Those IRAs and 401ks that are the only alternative after states and corps plundered all the pension systems to buy those politicians.
He’s smart enough to know he has no chance. Is he hoping for VP? Has he not realized Trump picks his associates based almost entirely on looks?
Trump may have enough dysmorphia to think he looks good and has a full head of hair, but—with the possible exception of Ghouliani and Trumps juniors—he surrounds himself with people who look good. Thankfully they aren’t chosen on intelligence, or the country would be in even worse shape.
But how many of his supporters have had covid so many times that they can’t smell shit if it’s up their own noses at this point?
I go back for a couple niche communities that haven’t escaped yet. And occasional search results for advice, but that tends to be 3-5+ years old on average.
I cancelled Netflix and haven’t had time to setup a VPN to go sailing for it yet. Planning to after the holidays let up.
The irony of us liberals relying on the fucking fbi to do the right thing is painful to watch.
There has been a sliver of schandenfreud as the insurrectionists get arrested and right turns on the fbi though. But I still can’t trust them.
They also committed voter fraud with that false registration right?
Same here b.79. I want AOC or a younger Bernie to appear in the race. At the very least Biden could pick a progressive VP for this term and fucking retire already. Because there’s no way trump can bring us anything good.
Yesterdays article was how she bet her whole campaign on New Hampshire and she only 4% back now.
All this news is shit.
Just before our yearly subscription ends. I’m busy ripping and saving what we like for the next month and finally canceling prime this year, this is just the added motivation to remember how much it sucks.
My local trump trump supporter LOVED it and recommended I watch it. Despite the Obamas involvement (his words more or less).
He has the whole survivalist kink thing though.
I generally agree and he’ll probably just be the whiny christofascist he’s been so far, but he’s 2nd in line for the fucking presidency. And it was mostly democrats who actually voted out the speaker. Which helped Gaetz off all people.
Now that the rule is in place to only take one member to call for his ouster, I wonder how little Johnson has to do to lose 5 or whatever R’s and be out like McCarthy.
And some of us were pretty upset that the Dems helped out dickheads like Gaetz in ousting a turd like Mccarthy thinking that they wouldn’t manage to choose someone worse than him.
Hatred is the only part of these people’s platform.
Have you seen the rent in Harvard Square or the Village lately?
Certainly not the record number of voters who came out in 2020 to vote against him.
And the fact he never won the popular vote in the first place. It sadly turns out, there’s a market for Nazi/fascist hate.