Fault of the libraries you decide to use, i.e. any and all node libraries
Fault of the libraries you decide to use, i.e. any and all node libraries
They should upload the code on an .onion page
We have that already. It’s called huggingface.co
if there was an extention that could skip the sponsor segments inside the videos themselves I’d use it in a heartbeat.
arrow key
us jurisdiction
get fucked nerd
where the hell do you work dude
You use telegram for privacy
I use it for its UX
We are not the same
The argument doesn’t really hinge on the made-up numbers, it would be the same if you swapped 10% in there.
When it comes to art, there’s always somebody who doesn’t make it financially. Too few sold albums, too few downloads, too little merch sold. Some artists are always going to struggle and barely stay afloat making art, while the ones doing marinally worse are gonna quit and do something else.
The number of these people for whom piracy - or any other small loss of revenue for that matter - tips the scale doesn’t depend on how many people pirate stuff.
The actual difference piracy makes is the 0.2% (or whatever) dent in revenue which then means ~ 0.2% of potential artists end up working in other industries.
Tesseract isn’t too heavy, maybe it runs locally? 👉👈
Tbh no ads + open source is what draws me to activity pub. Nothing about a microblogging service is groundbreaking in 2023 anyway.